2024-03-23 00:10:44


Television has changed people's life much since it was Now it has become one important part of modern

People enjoy themselves after hard work by watching They can see some plays, some stories, some sports matches without going out of home, and without spending much money in buying TV programmes make people's life more

People learn much from TV, students can study by watching some educational People can see news, weather reports, programmes about science and People all over the world can learn from each other and get knowledge when they are watching

But not all the programmes are good Today, there are too much programmes about love and Some people become bad because they learn from the bad people in those And watching TV usually takes too much It's not good for people's work and It's not good for their eyes,

People all over the world are watching Is watching TV a good thing or a bad one? I think it depends on people If one can choose good programmes and he doesn't spend too much time on TV, it can be a good thing for


Times are changing day by Doing the shopping is Most people are better-dressed and they enjoy modern

Girls are changing, There are many differences between the older and younger

I know a twelve-year-old girl, who, to my surprise, has little time to She told me that she dreamt of being a dancer, so she must learn to dance, play music and so Sometimes, she is out of breath under such pressure, but she can’t stop because modern life is

In addition, I find those girls know more and Although they are little girls, they know how to dress Sometimes they look older than their age,

As an older female, I realize that compared with the modern girls, my generation is less well-educated and takes part in fewer leisure I realize that we don’t make full use of our time the way they Therefore, we should try our best to value our time and pursue our

Confident, proud and energetic, modern girls represent new


In my generation, most children are the only child in their family, because of the government But it is not my In my hometown, a lot of children have brothers and I have a sister, who is two years older than We are the classic sisters that we always have arguments, but when I am in trouble, she will be the first one to help I remembered that I forgot to bring the textbook one day and I felt so My sister knew my She went to other class and asked her friend to borrow her a Finally, my problem So no matter what kind of problem we argue, we won’t be angry at each other for I love my sister and I am so happy that we grow up