2024-05-23 02:02:04


A recent survey shows that the health of the students in our school has been going from bad to worse in the past three years. It’s shocking that 92.5 percent of us are nearsighted now, compared to 78.20% in 20xx, which was already worrying. The same is true for students’ sleeping condition. Nine students out of ten suffer from a lack of sleep at present.

There’re another two facts that shouldn’t be ignored. Two years ago, about one third of the students were in the trouble of overweight, and less than one third of them had problems in mental health. However, both numbers have risen to 50% or so within the past two years.

In view of the serious health condition, immediate steps should be taken before it’s too late. To begin with, the amount of homework should be properly controlled. Moreover, school should provide students with necessary knowledge on health and satisfy their needs for recreation. It is equally important that students should get rid of their unhealthy habits, become more efficient in their study and lead a healthy life.




We believe with the promotion of medical ethics, the relationship between doctors and patients will become more harmonious.



Before every blind jump, we should keep in mind that it has to take a certain period of time before understands himself and then achieves great success.



Women will contribute to the society as much as men do, as we should give the same stage to perform.



In a word, only when the young and the elderly make joint efforts can the elderly parents spend their remaining years in happiness.



What I believe is that we should be aware of the necessity to step out of the doors and build a friendly relationship with others. In return , a warmer and more harmonious society could become possible.



In a word, each individual should pay more attention to others as well as the world outside.



All in all, I hope that government would adjust the schedule and let people enjoy a true week-long vacation.



Health is far more important than wealth.

Good health enables us to do what we want to do in our career. But bad health gives nothing. Even though you have little money, you can still live a happy life with a healthy body.

So, how to keep healthy? First of all, Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy. Besides, keeping a happy and optimistic mood everyday is also a good way to stay healthy.

In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like french fries or cookies. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins.


What's friends? Do you have friends? I have many friends, so I always feel happy. In the morning, some of my friends will go to school with me. We often talk and laugh on the way to school. Sometimes we will stop to buy some snacks, school things and other stuff. When I am in school, I always study with friends. When I have something confusion, I will ask them to help. So do they. We help each other. After class, we play together, and go to the shop to buy snacks. They accompany me, so do I. I think this is friends.



Nowadays, quite a few college students lack conciousness of being grateful。 They turn to take such things for granted, as parents supporting them, teachers helping them, and waiters serving them。 They are even mean to say "Thank you" to others。 This phenomenon has caused great attention from the whole society。

The following reasons can account for the lack of gratefulness conciousness。 First of all, unsound family education plays an important role。 Many parents turn to pay too much attention to children's academic performance, but ignore their value orientation。 Moreover, schools don't input enough time and money in moral education。 Besides, nowadays, college students get so much love that they are insenstive to others' care and help。

Considering the seriousness of the problem, it is high time to take effective measures to strengthen college students conciousness of being grateful。 First, parents should improve self—quality and influence children by their own behaviors。 Second, our society and schools must increase input in moral education, and try to build the atmosphere of being grateful。 Finally, we college students should learn to express our gratefulness to people around us, just beginning from the simple "Thank you"。


Why is the impression winter?

I live in the north, to experience a real winter, but often did not imagine so harmonious. Hey, getting cold northern winter.

Snow, a silver-white and clean little village ushered night. Soon, entire villages fell into very lonely night. Slips, a seat release small hut icing windows revealing a round lovely yellow halo, lit a piece of starry snow village, quiet hut, the men who watched the snow outside the window, I think a lot of stories, they look to being burning stove hostess, very busy fire, flames illuminated red cheeks hostess. Child in a warm blanket sleep well cooked. This quiet snowy night, people feel very warm. This is my impression that winter.

I think it is necessary to talk about why getting cold northern winter.

When on the third day, at night under heavy snow over the road junction of the thick ice, I was very careful in the smooth ice ride to school. My heart also seems that the smooth ice, not a little sense of security. Behind with a taxi, is an uncle of our village, he opened slowly. As a result, I have a corner at the intersection, or fell off their feet, mercilessly fell to solid ice. Slip out of the car, the whole book is also sprinkled with, I am a little confused, bewildered. At this point, the taxi drove to me and squeaky horn sounded. I hear the shrill sound of the horn impatiently. I immediately realized: I blocked the road.

I refused to take the pain, awkward climb up, rushed to the books scattered over the ground to push to the curb, and stand up three two lame Shui, hurried to the car also fell to the ground onto the roadside. At a blare of trumpets, my action is very fast.

I let a Langbei Xiang in the street

The village taxi driver uncle finally spread his fingers honk, taxis finally called not creak. I fear only gradually faded look. Uncle drove, staring ahead blankly from me to drive through. Once again, I feel at a loss.

I looked at the taxi drove away, as if faintly heard thehissing sound of the car. I opened my mouth, I feel nothing to say but closed it again, over the body suddenly felt cold, and thought, growing cold northern winter.

Hey, getting cold northern winter ......

In this cold morning, I once again remembered that my impression of the exclusive winter cute yellow halo that ice on the windows, the host of the story, the hostess of the cheek, sleeping child ...... I would rather reject these pure snow, do not want more and more cold northern winter.





















My Views on Bicycle-sharing

Presently, in big cities like Shanghai and Guangzhou, bicycle-sharing system has becomeincreasingly popular. A large number of shared bikes can be found and rented at a low price. Moreover, you can park the bike almost anywhere you like. Urban transportation has thus been made much more convenient and even revolutionized.

However, along with its rapid development, bicycle-sharing system also brings some problems, including random parking, vandalism and possession of shared bikes, etc.

To solve these problems, there are some measures for the authorities to take. Firstly, the government could implement more strict laws and rules to regulate the operation and management of bicycle-sharing system.Secondly, the public should raise their awareness of using shared bike reasonably. Lastly, urban transportation system should be upgraded and improved to accommodate automobiles, bikes and pedestrians.

To conclude, a sensible attitude should be held toward bicycle-sharing program. With effective andefficient measures taken, and efforts made by those involved, it can be expected that bicycle-sharing system will play a contributive and constructive role in urban public transportation.




These days we often hear about the widening gap between the rich and poor. Some argue that developed world has totally ignored the problem.


Perhaps the most dangerous phenomenon gripping the nation today is official corruption, which is pervasive in all levels of government.


The two major challenges facing China today center on maintaining sustained economic growth and feeding its growing population of over 12 billion people with only seven percent of the world's cultivable land. Despite the monumental difficulties involved, Chinese people will undoubtedly exhibit their indefatigable resilience and achieve great success in both regards.


Never before in history has the issue of over population been more evident than now.


We do, in fact,have a long way to go to reach our final goal, but achieving some remains well within the realm of possibility.


A famous thinker once wrote that "the greatest threat to mankind is mankind itself!" If this is indeed the case, then the current situation should make us ponder our future existence.



Years of observing human behavior has enabled me to conclude that the major difference between mediocrity and success lies solely with the individual concerned. Successful individuals consistently seek advancement, while their less industrious contemporaries are merely content with the status quo.


While achieving success is easier said than done, persistence does in fact pay off. One of the most important traits of a successful person is self-confidence, another is desire, and still another is determination.


Claiming a lack of opportunities is nothing more than a superficial excuse for justifying failure. The fundamental reason for failure is most often the lack of drive on the part of the individual involved.


Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, is a classic example of success.


History abounds with great men worthy of adulation and emulation.



What has sparked the increasing interest in exercise? For one thing, people have gained a greater awareness of the need for physical fitness. For another, the constantly improving standard of living enables Chinese people to patronize the increasing number of recreational venues. The main thing perhaps centers on the health care and psychological benefits exercise provides.



The explanation for the phenomenon of the rising teenage suiide rate involves many complicated factors. Some attribute the rise to an overemphasis on early success, others point to mounting peer pressure,and still others to confusion over changing social values.


Child development depends on a number of factors, both physical and psychological. Correct parental nurturing from infancy through adolescence determines both the physical and mental profile of a mature individual.


Television violence has contributed directly to rising crime,as evidenced by statistics showing a dramatic rise in copycat crimes.



One of the most common failures of people today is to avoid telling the truth.People must realize that avoidance and lying have never in the past and, in fact, never will right a wrong.


However great the will to achieve, and however great the demand to succeed, one should never abandon his/her moral and social consciousness.


Just imagine how great the word would be if we would only exhibit greater concern for our fellowman.


It is rare to find a person willing to totally abandon the comforts of life simply to help others.


Personal experience has taught that kindness to others pays untold dividends.


We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption. We must instead continue to recognize the benefits of thrift in order to protect our new found prosperity.


Different people have different views on success. Some hold that making a great deal of money means success. Others argue that holding an important post in the government means success. Still others believe that having a high academic title at a famous university or a research institute means success.

In my opinion, success means brilliant achievement in our work. In other words, no matter what we do, making outstanding contributions to the development of our country and bringing help and happiness to others is success.

To achieve success, we should, first of all, have a clear long-term goal in our life. Besides, we should have short term goals in different periods of life. As we know, it is these short term goals that make our long-term goal possible. Second, we should be both perseverant and hardworking. Whatever we do, there are always two possibilities: success and failure. We should never lose heart when we come across difficulties or when we are confronted with failure. Instead, we should learn from our experience, build up our confidence and work even harder and smarter towards our purpose. Third, we should follow the examples of those who are successful and learn from them. Finally, we should try to get along well with our classmates and colleagues. We should care for each other and help each other in our study, our work and our life, because team work is of great importance in the realization of our dream.

If we can follow these principles, we will certainly achieve remarkable success in our life.


If you think about a younger sister, you don't want a crazy girl like her erratic. This summer vacation, she is a stick up will never let go, take me to the dead.

She is a born master plan, despite her age small, mind racing than sidon animals "little horse" of the novel. Not read how many books she had 36 plan of incisively and vividly. One day, the mother went into the kitchen to eat we eat fruit, she ran like mad to the kitchen and rolled up a plate like aside all kinds of fruit. Have long known that she is super fruit king, I know that should not take with her, then staged "lady" mode, let her take first. Unexpectedly, when I walked past "elegant", after the plate only lone a banana. "Alas," I with a heavy sigh, she is too hard. I was about to poke a banana, she suddenly reached out to rob. Fortunately, this young lady responds quickly, immediately lift the banana. "Hey, you also too bad." I said resentfully. After she heard, coquetry miraculously, said: "good sister, I haven't eat enough, you give me is the banana?" "No! I haven't eat!" I said angrily. Began to see not soft, hard, a madam, stretch hand to grab. I already familiar with her "moves", the electives. Her hand to the right, I will take the banana swing to the left; Her hand towards the left, I will give the banana to jilt to the right. See yourself with force afraid not line, only her eyes at a guru and smile at me. Mother often says her eyes can speak, at this time, her eyes as if to say: "ha ha, you of the end of the day, banana objects belong to the" owner "soon, wow kaka kaka!" At this time, I can't help but think of the horror film face ferocious witch, played a quivering, vigilance arises spontaneously. She held up his hand to rob my banana in the hand, I subconsciously pick bananas reach even higher. Said slowly, when the moment, she suddenly stretched out her clutches to scratch my body the most weak place - the belly. I immediately laughed, inadvertently a soft hand, banana fell. She immediately like a hunter hit prey, hold up my poor a banana is running. Good one by then enter the meter!

At the same time, she is a great master of gossip. I'm doing my summer homework, she like a rabbit ran "beeping", his eyes bright. "What?" I stepped back warily. She smiled and said: "elder sister, I tell you oh, I found the secret of the father." "What is the secret? Let's hear it." I immediately to the interest. She sells imprison son and stopped for a while, slowly and said, "sister, I'm going to not tell you!" She said and ran away. Soon after, I finished my homework, see her in my diary. Don't! I immediately rush toward the past, a taken away. She said a wry smile: "elder sister, I know your secret." My face became livid, said: "you cannot say it out." She smiled and said: "no problem, however, elder sister, you want to help me wash the dishes." To help her wash the dishes! I don't! But I can't think of anything else, just nodded and agreed. I later learned that she was magically know the mother's secret. Know so many secret, useful? It was not until that day, I know there is no use. It was the summer vacation, I and my sister secretly watching TV at home, I didn't think be back early father saw, he said sternly: "I don't tell your mother!" She immediately stood up and rightfully said: "how dare you!" Oh my god! The momentum reminds me of my roars from the mountains of that kind of dignity, the kind of fierce waters against the rock, the sort of bold plunges three thousand feet. I say this is no exaggeration, father is a king, as a child she dare to outspoken to intimidate dad, affirmation is enough! She picked up a book casually, said: "be careful I told my mother you hide private..." She hasn't finished, dad's face immediately changed color, interrupted and said, "okay, I do not say, you can't say, let me catch you again next time in watching TV, you carefully to see how I tidy up you!" Watching me shocked with all this, thought: well, looks like a king and escapes the control of her gossip master!

She ah, counsel is not only a master, master of gossip, or a super annoying trick master. That day in the middle of the night, I got up and go to the toilet, came back, found that she actually gone! It scared me out in a cold sweat, just still in bed like a pig in a deep sleep now, how to push and push don't wake up, how to evaporate from your room now? Jitters in the room, I turned around, there's no one there. I thought, she can't be captured by monsters! I just get ready to go across the room to inform mom and dad, suddenly saw a white thing standing in the doorway, as it was night, the white was particularly clear. I saw the white terror things took up the "hand" of white came to me. My first reaction was: ah! Sister is seized the ghost returned to catch me! The second response is: "ah," screamed and ran back sharply. Ghost after seeing my reaction to burst out laughing. "What!" I watched "ghost" of angry white cloth cover on it, it was just evaporate from the room's sister. I said sternly, "where have you run!" She smiled and said in a sarcastic tone: "you're a fool, I have been hiding behind the door!" I learned the truth provocation.

Well, you said, there is such a younger sister, can not let a person afflictive? Oh, she is back! I am not to be taunted still can't afford to hide? Slipped quickly! What did you say? Hiss, small voice point, don't let her hear.



It's going to be sunny on next Monday, has a highest temperature of 9 degree and a lowest of 5 degree . And it continues to be pretty good on Tuesday, has a highest temperature of 12 degree and possiblly a lowest temperature of 6 degree. But Wendsday is going to be a little windy, and getting cold. Highest temperature of 4 degree, lowest of -1 degree. And it will get colder and colder. Thursday is going to be cloudy, a highest temperature of 2 degree, a lowest temperature of -5. On Friday, it's going to rain. Also very windy, so better put on some warm cloth for that day. A highest temperature of -5 degree, a lowest temperature of -10 degree.

2、天气预报(Weather Forecast)

Let''s take a look at the weather in Shanxi Province for the next 24 hours. Taiyuan would be cloudy at the time with the temperature from eighteen to twenty-eight. A strong wind would reach Datong, which could cause much rain, The temperature would be sixteen to twenty-six. Yangquan would be sunny with the highest temperature of thirty degree. Linfen would be windy and its temperature would be twenty-three to thirty-two. We would have a sunny and hot day in Yuncheng. Its temperature would stay between twenty-eight to thirty-four.


第一段:Asis depicted by the picture, sb is doing sth/sth is happening, showing the importanceof environment. This picture shows the common phenomenon that environmentprotection is becoming increasingly urgent, suggesting the destructive effectshuman beings made on the ecological balance, which is very thought-provoking. (注意,第一段图画描述一定要短,如果只要你以“谈论某某事情”开头,那就在简单描述图画后立即谈论)

第二段:currently,with industry and economy developing rapidly, anincreasing number of people are paying little or no attention to therelationship between human beings and nature. A typical example is waterpollution. There is no denying in saying that, in order to develop industry,the number of various factories and plants is dramatically increasing, which,directly or indirectly, causes serious water waste and water pollution. (本段在分析污染的原因。大家务必学会举例,举例一定要举简单典型的例子,不可以详细描述,以免陷入太深而犯语法错误。)

第三段:It is high time that we took effective andefficient measures to solve the problem reflected by the picture. First andforemost, the administration should make legislations to punish those whopollute environment. Secondly, it is very critical to carry out thoselegislations. It is easier said than done. So carrying out is, to a largedegree, more important then thinking out. Last but not the least, to strengthenthe public awareness of environment protection is necessary. Only by doing so canwe find the way out for the problem of pollution. (本段在谈论解决措施。这一段有些长,大家可以摘抄其中的句子默写背诵)


第一段:Asis depicted by the picture, sb is doing sth/sth is happening, showing theimportance of ( ). This picture shows the common phenomenon that ( ) is becoming increasingly urgent, suggesting thedestructive effects of A on B, which is very thought-provoking.

第二段:currently,with industry and economy developing rapidly, anincreasing number of people are paying little or no attention to( ). A typical example is ( ). There is no denying in saying that, inorder to ( ), the number of ( ) is dramatically increasing, which,directly or indirectly, causes serious ( ).

第三段:It is high time that we took effective andefficient measures to solve the problem reflected by the picture. First andforemost, the










Our school has school rules, and our class also has class rules. We can't have breakfast in the classroom. Our teacher says we will make our books become dirty if we eat in classroom. Then it becomes the class rules in my class. If anyone breaks this rule, he will be punished. So no one in my class dare to have breakfast in the classroom.




小学的时候,我们便开始接触英语了,可当时只是作为一门学科并不列入 考试的范围内,所以当时我也就没有太在意,每到上英语课的时候,我不是在写作业就是在和同学窃窃私语。可是到了初中,就打不可同了。







The Most Unforgettable Person I Ever knew


In my life I have met many people who are really worth my recalling. But perhaps the most unforgettable person I ever knew is my Chinese language teacher.

What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. First of all, I was attracted by his lively wit. I remember we always long for his class with great eagerness because his lecture were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke loud laughs. Second, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer-- an awakening of a passion for learning. He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of Chinese and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field. Finally, I was deeply impressed by the respect he showed for us, for he treated us like friends rather than students.

Although it is nearly 10 years since I attended his last class, he is the talk of our old classmates, and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart.


A Lesson from My Parents

Parents are your first teachers. Write a short essay to describe one of instructive lessons you once learned from your parents, including:


A distance of 500 miles separates my college from my hometown, an old city, where my parents have been living, but my heart has never been away for a single step, because the lesson from them will be a gift of lifetime.

When I was still 15, the laid-offs, or rather untimely retirements, of both my Mum and dad, arrived by far earlier than ever expected. Moreover, it could be hardly imagined how much their careers meant to them other than earning money.

Nevertheless, it would be not long before they managed to get over such a blow. They thus underwent all kinds of odd jobs they could run into, be they dirty or painstaking. That way with sufficient money for my tuition fee and living expenses I went through my three academic years.

Now one of them is getting weaker and both older, but the lesson that God only helps those who help themselves they taught me will endure in my mind despite the passage of time.


A good book is like a cup of green tea, long fragrance gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind. In my bookcase, "Andersen fairy tale" although the appearance of rotten old, but it is my favorite book. A little story I love most in the "Andersen fairy tale" in the "beauty" is mainly about: in the woods there lived a beautiful sister, sister looks as though, but my sister has a perfect soul, and her sister was finally egoistic, Xinfu life.

Tell us from this story: we should not only be a person who looks beautiful, but also a person with spiritual beauty. Only the person with beautiful mind is the true beauty. It's the same thing in life. Once, I went shopping with my mum, just on the bus, he saw a look very beautiful aunt sitting on the side of her right hand, and stood a more than 80 year old grandmother, she didn't give grandma a seat, from time to time looking out of the window, but also filled with as it is people feel shame. In life, there are many things like this...... We should not only pay attention to the appearance of the beautiful, but also pay attention to the heart, to be a kind-hearted and helpful people, so as to make our home construction more beautiful and beautiful.




There are many books in my family, father and mother, and many of them are mine. These books are thick and thin. In my book, what I like most is Tang Sulan's school life of the wolf.

It is very interesting, especially when “ although the stupid wolf of art but utterly ignorant of, at the end of the semester, the school talent contest, he won the Wolf Prize, best performing ” I'm curious, eager to read. The original is brown bear make practical joke help honest stupid wolf, a fluke, won the best performance award.

This book has a lot of wonderful clips, always makes me uproarious, taught me the truth in life a — — to do a good and honest people. Please have a look at this book! You're going to love it as much as I do.





Almost all of us heard the story “Here Comes the Wolf” when we were little kids. What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest. However, there’re lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays.

Being dishonest does great harm not only to other people but also to yourself. Take the case of fake milk powder for example. After drinking this kind of milk, the babies had big heads while their legs and arms were still thin, which badly affected their health. To our great relief, the producers got accused and punished for all the serious consequences in the end.

Having the reputation of being honest and reliable will make other people trust you, which will provide you many benefits and give you opportunities that others may not get. Being honest, you will find it easier to cooperate with others and people will be friendly to you and support you. In a sense, if life is a longjourney, honesty will be the backpack that should be taken along all the way.

Let’s pick up our “backpack”—honesty, and start the wonderful journey!



