2024-05-30 04:14:54


Teacher Davidson is my fifth grade English teacher. He appeared to be very strong, walking like a soldier in training, standing upright, his hands close together, and his shoulders relaxed. His head is light, like a big light bulb. His face is a very complete oval, with a prominent face and a beard just exposed under his nose, but no beard under his mouth.

I like Mr. Davidson very much. I think he is very cool, very serious, and very funny.

Teacher Davidson is very different from other teachers. He tried to apply for the British Air Force when he was in his twenties, but failed after two attempts. But his hobby of flying airplanes has not disappeared. He sometimes tells us his stories about flying airplanes in English class. When he first told us, the whole class admired him. Mr. Davidson also rode a motorcycle around Europe. Every time we showed him pictures of European cities, he knew where they were. I am so envious.

On this day, students in fifth grade were fighting. I heard Teacher Davidson say angrily: "Come in!" The four of them walked in slowly. Teacher Davidson gave the four children a lesson, canceled their two-week break time, and gave them a self-reflection form to take home for their parents to sign, let them recognize their mistakes, and finally go to the principal’s office to apologize. I think Mr. Davidson is very wise to do this. They will not make the same mistake easily in the future.

Many people like Mr. Davidson, he makes everyone laugh from time to time. Once, in order for us to understand simple machines, he and other teachers made a machine with many simple machines. They used toy bows and arrows to move the big ball, and then the big ball hit the small ball. The small ball slid down from the tube and hit the domino. The domino knocked down a basin of water and hit Mr. Davidson on the head to make him "get up." . This design makes us laugh. On another occasion, the whole class performed very well. Mr. Davidson was very happy and rewarded the whole class with a ten-minute break. We were very happy.

I admire Mr. Davidson very much, he makes me want to be a teacher. If all the teachers in the world were like him, how nice it would be!


My English teacher is not as famous as a celebrity, nor does he have many fans like Internet celebrities. But she is a good teacher.

Haha, there is another pleasant sound from Class 5 (1). Do you think we are watching a comedy? Or think we are doing something unrelated to class? No, no, these are all wrong. We were amused by our English teacher! Because every time she goes to class, she will bring us fun. For example, when the classmates hesitate to ask questions, and when the face is flushed, the teacher will humorously say: Our little friend’s face is like a ripe little cherry, which is extremely cute. When we praised the teacher for being beautiful, the teacher would respond in a majestic manner: This girl is a bit shy when you say that! At the same time, she is also a dedicated teacher. Every time the teacher teaches us a word, she will do some funny actions to deepen our impression. What impressed me the most was that when the word noodles were mentioned, the teacher stretched out one hand and swung the other hand back and forth to pretend to eat noodles. We were amused by the teacher and laughed. Therefore, our class's English scores have always been among the best. Every time we finished a unit, the teacher showed us a summary of the unit review early the next morning like magic. I know she is not a magician, she must have spent several nights making a knowledge kit for us.

One day, we suddenly couldn't hear the familiar voice. It was not our English teacher who came in from the door, but an unfamiliar face. We were listless for the whole class, and we were no longer as happy as when Teacher Zhang taught us. After class, some of our classmates asked the substitute teacher. It turned out that our teacher had gone out to study. The stone in our hearts finally sank, for fear that the teacher would not teach us. Thank you, the teacher. Not only did I have a strong interest in English learning, but also taught me the outstanding qualities of being serious and hardworking.

Teacher, you are like a candle, burning yourself to illuminate our way forward; Teacher, you are like a gardener, working hard. Thank you, my most beloved teacher, Teacher Zhang.


You are the spring breeze, rippling my heart...

When I first saw you, in my eyes, you were just an ordinary English teacher; but then, unconsciously, I fell in love with English because of you.

In the next semester of the first year of junior high, I had a period of time no matter how hard I tried to control myself, but I couldn't enter the book, so when I took the exam, I couldn't read many questions, so I filled in randomly. After I handed in the test papers, others were discussing topics enthusiastically, but I was sitting in my seat alone, as if I was in another world.

Sure enough, the next morning, the English class representative asked me to go to the office to find you, and I walked slowly to the office step by step. The classroom is only a few meters away from the office, but it makes me feel like a "Long March".

I opened the door gently, called "Report", and walked in slowly. At that time, you were sitting on an office chair, quickly correcting your homework. I walked over quietly, you glanced sideways, and when you saw me, you put down the pen in your hand and took out a test paper.

"Hey, what happened to you this time? Didn't you understand during class? Didn't come to ask me why after class?" You flipped through the test paper and pointed to the place where a big red circle was drawn in the test paper. "Look, Isn't this usage only recently? And your reading is not very good!" The more I listened, the more I realized that I was wrong. Before I knew it, my eyes began to blur. But you said: "What's the use of crying? Go ahead and correct this test paper, and I will read it later!" I was about to leave after listening, but you encouraged me: "Come on! I know you are great. !" I took the test paper and walked to the classroom, tears shining brightly, and suddenly I felt that you were the spring breeze that warmed my heart...

Although you are not our class teacher, you are like our class teacher in the final exams of the first year, managing the class style, habits and the lives of the students in our class.

A few days ago, the English class representative asked me to find you again. I was thinking hard on the road, but I couldn't figure out what I did wrong again. I didn't commit a crime, and I did a good job at home! I opened the door of the office anxiously, but this time I was more calm than the previous one. I approached you. You take out my "Study Sea Storm", point to an English sentence I wrote on the cover with a smile: "Look at these two words, what has happened, it should be in the present perfect tense, so this word should be Add'ing'." Before the teacher finished speaking, my face was flushed. I just wrote down a good sentence. I didn't expect to be seen by you and pointed out my mistake. You smiled and said, "Go back and change it!"

In my eyes, you are not only our teacher, but more like the spring breeze, the warm spring breeze.


Our English teacher, Ms Huang, came to our school in 1970. She has been an English teacher for more than 30 years. She works hard and has been a model teacher for many years.

She is kind and friendly to us after class, but She is rather strict with us in class. She always encourages us to speak and read more English. She often says, "Practice makes perfect."

She is good at teaching and tries her best to make every lesson lively and interesting. She often gives us slide shows, teaches us English songs and helps us to put on short English plays.She is not only our teacher but also our friend. We all respect and love her.

Tomorrow she is going to attend an important meeting, at which she will be given a medal for her advanced deeds.


Manson was our oral English teacher in the middle school. When he came to the classroom for the first time, the Canadian man gave us a very deep impression: aged about 40, hook-nosed, brown hair, a little fat. He greeted us with a big toothy smile which sounded exaggerated. But we were all amused by his exaggerated smile.

His classes were fresh and interesting. In the course of teaching, he told us a lot about his strange merchant life in Canada. He also described to us the picture of people crazily shopping during the Christmas season. He often selected various unusual topics for us to discuss in class such as: Will you marry or stay single in future? Do you want to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?

What would you do if it was the last day of the world? We were so interested in the topics that we all dared to speak the truth with different funny answers in class. This kind of communication aided much pleasure to our dull life. Not infrequently, he organized us to perform role-play in class. We tasted much freshness when we played different roles. We all found that we had learned a lot from his classes.

Manson often acted like a youngster. Whenever he saw the boys playing football in the field, he would join them. He was not a good player, but he would try his best to perform well. He also practiced "Taiji"----a traditional Chinese exercise in his spare time. He even performed it in class occasionally, which resulted in a burst of laughter.

Manson seemed to have no trouble in his life except for weight. He told us that he never stopped struggling to lose weight. One day when he entered the classroom, someone mentioned to him that he looked slimmer. "Really?” he responded promptly, smiling with his shinning teeth. To confirm the truth, he stepped onto a chair and danced in a circle. He looked like a lovely panda at the moment. We all burst into laughter.

Manson's unique humor and unusual teaching not only widened our sight but also brought great joy to our life. We all thought it our good luck to have such a wonderful foreigner as our English teacher.


Hello! I’m He Baoyi. We have three new teachers this term. But my favourite teacher is English teacher. Who is she? Yes, she’s Linda.

Do you want to know her? Linda is very beautiful. Look! She has a round face, two small black eyes, a straight nose, a big mouth and two small ears. Her hair is very long. She is not tall and not short. She likes wearing a white dress. She looks like an angle. Linda works very hard every day. And she is strict to us. But she is kind. Her class is so much fun. Really? Yes. In class, she is our good teacher. After class, she is our good friend.

Her favourite food is tofu. It ’s very very healthy. She is not only good at pingpong, but also good at singing. She likes talking with us. We all like her.


Our Foreign Teacher

Ms Jerry is a foreign teacher. She oomes from New Zealand. She is thirty-one years old. She has fair hair, white skin and gray eyes. She is tall and slim. She looks very kind. And in fact, she is kind indeed.

Ms Jerry is a good teacher. Although she only comes to our school twice a week, yet she is very responsible to her work and strict with her students. Once. she was ill, but she went on giving us lessons. When we learned this, we all listened to her even more attentively than usual.

Ms Jerry teaches us English with great enthusiasm:" Eaoh lesson she Will bring us new pictures, new stories, new games and new songs. Her class is always full of happy laughter and merry songs.

Ms Jerry is such a good teacher that all of us love and respect her.















第一天,熊老师刚走进教室,闹哄哄的教室立刻安静了下来,大家都目不转睛地望向这位新的英语老师。刚开始,熊老师的声音很小,几乎第一排的同学都听不见,好在熊老师有扩音器。看来熊老师还 有点“胆小”。

熊老师对我们的要求很高,要我们每个人听得懂、读得来,考试要考好。另外,熊老师还在班上分了小组,让每个小组比赛,来培养兴趣。结果,大家通过比赛都提高了成绩,有了学习英语的兴趣,看 来熊老师真有办法,我们慢慢喜欢熊老师了。




她有一双明亮的眼睛,一张可爱的圆脸,我非常喜欢她上课。虽然她教我的时间不长,但是我却跟她有了难舍难分的感情。 她的幽默诙谐,以至于课堂气氛从未处于紧张状态,始终是活跃的,常常讲一些让我们开心的话,或者直接放首歌,让大家开心开心,还没见过这样的老师吧?问:“谁是最可爱的人?”答:“英语老师呗!”


她有时候也很严厉,当同学不认真时,她总会摆一个POSE——双手叉腰,眼神凶狠,一副气势汹汹的样子,望而生畏! 我们有几个“耍宝王”被老师请到办公室了还和老师笑,但是老师呢,也已经渐渐喜欢我们了,每次我们干什么事她也会轻轻地笑一下,因为他觉得我们也十分可爱,这样的老师那里还找的到呢?我要感谢上帝让我在这么好的学习环境下成长,而且 邓老师的工作责任心强。她全心全意地教我们。尽管她讲话语速快,但她的声音总是洪亮的,我们都能听清楚,因此我从不把她的语速快当作缺点。邓老师不光说得快,她写得也快。当我们做练习时,她只需五分钟就能把黑板写满了。这样你就明白了,我们的英语课是既短而又紧凑的,因此我们要珍惜英语课,不能浪费,而其他科目也是一样的,我希望邓老师永远是我的英语老师,然而这是不可能的,因为我会慢慢长大,从初中——到高中也就是几年的时间,虽然时间短暂,但是我也要珍惜时间,我以后如果即将离开五中的话,我会送所有老师和母校一个礼物——那就是我的学习成绩提高,老师一定要相信我,不会让你失望得。 我们的邓老师还是一位慈祥的,热心肠的妇女。她的教学经验丰富。我喜欢英语,喜欢我的英语老师。

















那天上午最后一节是体育课,但天公不作美,在课上到一般时下起了大雨,没办法,我们只好各自找了个地方躲雨,而我确一个人跑回了教学楼。“叮铃铃……”下课了,但我却没带雨伞,外面还下着雨,这可让我 发了愁。


























还记得那是上晨读"ET"在教室里面巡视,只听一声“奶油”我班同学立即兴奋了起来,咧开大嘴发出那种震天的笑——有人把Here are you读成了奶油,又听一声从鼻孔里发出来的“嗯——-”全班如见了鬼似的瞬间停了下来,老师把刘海一甩,紧皱眉头,这时,感觉所有的声音,甚至连心跳都停止了,“谁说的奶油”我班同学把手一齐指向那位同学。悲剧的一幕发生了:“你再说我就把你踹成奶油”一声怒吼发出。(这时全班都把笑憋住了)。现在回想都像母老虎发出的叫声,令人毛骨悚然。



















Our New Teacher

Our new teacher is science teacher. He’s very strong. He has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. He often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes。

Our science teacher is very kind. And he is very smart, isn’t he? Today, we have science class. We are very happy. Because he is so funny. Who is he? He’s a Mr. Zhou.




