2023-12-03 03:03:05








Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should read those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts. Use specific reasons and details to support your opinion.

The Importance of Fiction

How could anyone suggest that people should only read about real events, real people, and established facts? For one thing, that means people wouldn’t be reading half of all the great books that have ever been written, not to mention the plays, short stories and poetry. For another, it would mean that people’s imaginations would not develop as children and would remain dulled throughout their lives.

Reading stories as a child helps develop our creativity by reaching us a lot about how to use words to create mental images. It open our world up, exposing us to other times and different ways of living. Reading histories of those times would serve kind of the same purpose, but it probably wouldn’t stick in our minds as sharply. Reading an essay about poverty in Victorian England is not the same thing as reading in Charles Dicken’s Oliver Twist. The images of a small boy being sold are more horrifying than simply reading the statement, “children were sold into labor “because a novel makes that small boy seem real to understanding fiction makes a more lasting impression on our minds and emotions.

Besides, storytelling is an emotional need for human beings. From earliest times, humans have taught their children about life, not by telling them facts and figures, but by telling them stories. Some of these stories show what people are like (human nature),and help us experience a wide range of feelings. Some make us think about how we should act. Telling a child that it’s wrong to lie will make little impression, but telling him the story of a little boy whose grows longer every time be tell a lie will make a big impression.

Fiction is too important to our culture, our minds, and our emotions. How could we ever give it up?





作家曹文轩说:“一本好书,就是一轮太阳。”在阅读中,我们获得了更多关于这个世界的精义,神髓与真谛。 的确,一个人的气质,胸膛,品格,智慧……无不与书的关联。好的作品,能给心灵插上想象的翅膀,能给心房按上澄清的眼睛。名族的思想,感情,知识经验,都在文字中等候,我们通过书去想象,去思索,去体验,去感受,一定收益良多。 品味书,可让人增加一些课外知识,培根先生说过:“知识就是力量。”不错,增长了课外知识,可以让你感到浑身充满力量。这种力量可以激发你的潜能让你不断前进不断成长。所以,书也是我们的良师益友。 英国大文豪莎士比亚说过:“书籍是全世界的营养品。生活里没有书籍,就好象没有阳光;智慧里没有书籍,就好象鸟儿没有了翅膀。”没错,你是否觉得看完书浑身会很累,是因为大脑吸收了书籍的营养。所以看书就等于“吃饭”。 高尔基说过:“书籍是人类进步的阶梯。”因为你读完书会积累许多的好词好句,写作文便会轻而易举了将这些东西运用下去作文就会变的生动具体。 我说:“看书不能只看一次,正所谓重复是成功之母。”所以看书要细细的品慢慢的尝,看多几遍理解文章暗示的事情。 请大家多多看书,书是我们人类生命不可缺少的东西。


The Importance of Fiction

How could anyone suggest that people should only read about real events, real people, and established facts? For one thing, that means people wouldn’t be reading half of all the great books that have ever been written, not to mention the plays, short stories and poetry. For another, it would mean that people’s imaginations would not develop as children and would remain dulled throughout their lives.

Reading stories as a child helps develop our creativity by reaching us a lot about how to use words to create mental images. It open our world up, exposing us to other times and different ways of living. Reading histories of those times would serve kind of the same purpose, but it probably wouldn’t stick in our minds as sharply. Reading an essay about poverty in Victorian England is not the same thing as reading in Charles Dicken’s Oliver Twist. The images of a small boy being sold are more horrifying than simply reading the statement, “children were sold into labor “because a novel makes that small boy seem real to understanding fiction makes a more lasting impression on our minds and emotions.

Besides, storytelling is an emotional need for human beings. From earliest times, humans have taught their children about life, not by telling them facts and figures, but by telling them stories. Some of these stories show what people are like (human nature),and help us experience a wide range of feelings. Some make us think about how we should act. Telling a child that it’s wrong to lie will make little impression, but telling him the story of a little boy whose grows longer every time be tell a lie will make a big impression.

Fiction is too important to our culture, our minds, and our emotions. How could we ever give it up?


看科普书的好处 今天,我看了一本科普书,书的主要内容是地理知识。 我知道了湖泊是怎样形成的`?湖泊是在地壳运动,冰川的冰淤等地质作用下形成了许许多多的凹地,凹地积水后就形成了湖泊。 我还知道了瀑布是怎样形成的?它是丰富的水源通过陡峭的山崖,飞泻而下就形成了瀑布。另外,火山喷发出来的岩浆阻塞河道后也会形成瀑布。 所以,我们要多看课外书籍。因为书上面有很多课本上学不到的知识。 看科普书的好处作文150字




