2024-03-01 02:57:28






滴水可以穿石也是锲而不舍精神的体现。我们航行在没有边际的学习海洋上,只有凭借这种精神,才可能到达知识的彼岸,学习是一件苦差事,它既不生动又不有趣,既不是立体的又不是鲜活的事物,只有我们明白它的重要性,坚持不懈地努力下去,才能羸得鲜花和掌声。记住,没有不劳而获的美事。 幼年的李白因为看到一位老婆婆用铁棒磨绣花针而醒悟,从而发奋读书,终于成为一代诗仙。前有古人可鉴,我们这些新世纪的青年该怎样去做呢?这是一个时代留给我们的课题。朋友,请坚信只要功夫深,铁棒磨成绣花针,让我们鼓足勇气,锲而不舍的锁定自己的学习目标,奋勇前进吧!



After the mid-term exam, everyone thought that we should have a good time and put aside all worries and worries. Indeed, we should relax and work hard for a semester. But at the same time, they are also worried about their exam results, and I am no exception. Of course, the examination results decide what the teacher thinks of you, so you are very concerned about this.

On the four day after the mid-term exam, I felt sad and upset with this seemingly long and short vacation every day.

Chinese papers issued down a look, right enough. I looked around, and everyone smiled. I hung my head and didn't dare to see the teacher, nor did I dare to see my classmate. It's like a mock of laughter is ringing in my ears. I can't wait to get a hole in the ground, and I'll drill down. The teacher can do the right thing in analyzing the papers, but I have done wrong. If I read the questions carefully, I don't know how well the exam results will be. Unfortunately, unfortunately, there are no regrets in the world.

Looking back on this examination, there are some successes and shortcomings, which allows me to learn more experience and tackle challenges one after another in my life.






The mid-term exam is not very ideal, the result is very poor, I pondered for a long time, I think I study hard, did not listen to the teacher, without careful review, will do so poorly. Another important reason, I am very careless, do some exam, but are too careless, did not get points.

Anyway, the test is over, I will good good study, hope that the next exam results won't be so bad, come on!


After the mid-term exam, everyone thought that we should have a good time and put aside all worries and worries. Indeed, we should relax and work hard for a semester. But at the same time, they are also worried about their exam results, and I am no exception. Of course, the examination results decide what the teacher thinks of you, so you are very concerned about this.

On the four day after the mid-term exam, I felt sad and upset with this seemingly long and short vacation every day.

Chinese papers issued down a look, right enough. I looked around, and everyone smiled. I hung my head and didn't dare to see the teacher, nor did I dare to see my classmate. It's like a mock of laughter is ringing in my ears. I can't wait to get a hole in the ground, and I'll drill down. The teacher can do the right thing in analyzing the papers, but I have done wrong. If I read the questions carefully, I don't know how well the exam results will be. Unfortunately, unfortunately, there are no regrets in the world.

Looking back on this examination, there are some successes and shortcomings, which allows me to learn more experience and tackle challenges one after another in my life.



