2023-10-14 09:21:52





“机遇”总是悄悄地来,轻轻地走,很少给人考虑的机会,试问,有多少人能遇到像诸葛亮那样机遇三次敲他门,等着他来抓住机遇、去接受机遇的呢?在我们的生活中,机遇似乎总披着隐身外衣,怎么都寻找不到,所以机遇的难得出现,为何不去把握住呢? 而“诱惑”总是披着美丽的外衣,正大光明地出现,怎么都不愿意离开。直到你被骗,被侵入,知道把你掌握在手里,把你捧上云霄,然后再温柔地放开你,使你从云端落入谷底,让你身败名裂,身心受创......可又后悔莫及。一堆一堆的不如意砸向你,就因为当初自己没有抵制住诱惑。










Some people regard opportunity as the most important part of their life. Its the way to success. So when they see their friends succeed, they will complain that they are not lucky enough to have the opportunity. But other people think that opportunity is sheer luck, with their hard work, knowledge and skill, opportunity will be waiting for them everywhere.Although the attitudes towards opportunity are different, opportunity is important indeed, and no one should neglect. It can make a person successful. We should grasp every valuable opportunity and make good use of it, otherwise nothing can be left with us but regret and disappointment.But I think it is not opportunity itself that decides a persons success or failure. It is fair to every person, I think. To grasp the opportunity, we need knowledge, skill and experience. In a word, opportunity is important but not decisive.


"When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success." Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.

When people succeed, it is because of hard work, but luck has a lot to do with it, too. Success without some luck is almost impossible. The French emperor Napoleon said of one of his generals, "I know he's good. But is he lucky?" Napoleon knew that all the hard work and talent in the world can't make up for bad luck. However, hard work can invite good luck.

When it es to success, luck can mean being in the right place to meet someone, or having the right skills to get a job done. It might mean turning down an offer and then having a better offer e along. Nothing can replace hard work, but working hard also means you're preparing yourself for opportunity. Opportunity very often depends on luck.

How many of the great intentions and discoveries came about through a lucky mistake or a lucky chance? One of the biggest lucky mistakes in history is Columbus' so-called discovery of America. He enriched his sponsors and changed history, but he was really looking for India. However, Columbus' chance discovery wasn't pure luck. It was backed up by years of studying and calculating. He worked hard to prove his theory that the world was round.

Success that es from pure luck and no hard work can be a real problem. For example, consider a teenage girl who bees a movie star. Imagine she's been picked from nowhere because of her looks. She is going to feel very insecure, because she knows she didn't do anything to earn her stardom. On the other hand, think about an actress who's spent years learning and working at her craft. When she finally has good luck and bees a success, she will handle stardom better. She knows she earned it.

People who work hard help make their own luck by being ready when opportunity knocks. When it es to success, I think that hard work and luck go hand in hand.


different people have diffhrent views on opportunity. it is held that there are few opportunities. but it is also held that there are opportunities everywhere.

those who hold the first opinion think that there are too many people and there is always an intense competition for limited opportunities. in contrast,those who hold the second view think that if one is not prepared, he can hardly have any opportunities: however, if one is prepared, he can have a lot of opportunities. as to me, i agree with the latter. adminedly,there is really an intense competition for limited opportunities, but it is not to say the one can't create opportunities himself. in most cases opportunities are created by people themselves. for example,many people lost their jobs in recent years. some people wait for opportunities in vain. however, others create opportunities themselves and get self-employed. eventually they become employers themselves.

therefore, to some extent, one can take his destiny into his own hands.


My View on Opportunities

There is a quotation with unknown origin, “The fool miss opportunities, the wise are good at seizing opportunities, and the success create opportunities.” Actually, opportunities are given to those who are well-prepared.

Opportunities are really miraculous. They often appear around us as a matter of fact. While wiser can find them and get achievement by using them, fools frequently miss them and then complain the unfair of fate. It is because opportunities favor well-prepared brains. Only these brains can recognize and seize opportunities. 83

An old Chinese saying says, “One minute on stage needs ten years under stage.” When we are envious of those superstars’ great chances, fete and success, their efforts behind the flowers and applause are ignored.

No pains, no gains. Someone consider scientists’ great findings as a result of accident chances. Obviously it’s wrong. Without many years’ research, could Fleming become the finder of penicillinWithout thousands of times’ experiments, could Edison know the most proper material to make filament

There’re many people only waiting for, calling and dreaming about opportunities. They don’t realize, for them, opportunities are just like

plenty of stars, can be seen but not touch. Even opportunity appears, they can not find it, let alone catch and use it.

Whether we can hold an use opportunities or not depends on our preparing in knowledge and thought and our diligence. Let’s try having a well-prepared brain to be a success.


Opportunity is one of the elements of success. But opportunities don't come often. And not all the opportunities can certainly lead to success. Moreover, opportunities are usually disguised as hard work; therefore most people don't recognize them. So if you want to achieve something, you must make efforts and get prepared. Otherwise, you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to you. In my opinion, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society, but only those who have made enough preparations and are highly talented can make use of them to achieve their purpose.


Different people have diffhrent views on opportunity But it is also held that there are opportunities everywhere In contrast,those who hold the second view think that if one is not prepared, he can hardly have any opportunities: however, if one is prepared, he can have a lot of opportunities Adminedly,there is really an intense competition for limited opportunities, but it is not to say the one can't create opportunities himself For example,many people lost their jobs in recent years However, others create opportunities themselves and get self-employed

Therefore, to some extent, one can take his destiny into his own handsgooglegoogleadreephtml.


Some people regard opportunity as the most important part of their life. It's the way to success. So when they see their friends succeed, they will complain that they are not lucky enough to have the opportunity. But other people think that opportunity is sheer luck, with their hard work, knowledge and skill, opportunity will be waiting for them everywhere.Although the attitudes towards opportunity are different, opportunity is important indeed, and no one should neglect.

It can make a person successful. We should grasp every valuable opportunity and make good use of it, otherwise nothing can be left with us but regret and disappointment.But I think it is not opportunity itself that decides a person's success or failure. It is fair to every person, I think. To grasp the opportunity, we need knowledge, skill and experience.

In a word, opportunity is important but not decisive.


different people have diffhrent views on opportunity. it is held that there are few opportunities. but it is also held that there are opportunities everywhere.

those who hold the first opinion think that there are too many people and there is always an intense competition for limited opportunities. in contrast,those who hold the second view think that if one is not prepared, he can hardly have any opportunities: however, if one is prepared, he can have a lot of opportunities.as to me, i agree with the latter. adminedly,there is really an intense competition for limited opportunities, but it is not to say the one cant create opportunities himself. in most cases opportunities are created by people themselves. for eample,many people lost their jobs in recent years. some people wait for opportunities in vain. however, others create opportunities themselves and get self-employed. eventually they become employers themselves.

therefore, to some etent, one can take his destiny into his own hands.


Some people are in favor of the idea of going abroad to study. They point out the fact that it is a great opportunity for those who study abroad to be exposed to more new ideas and trends and broaden their horizons in a great degree. They also argue that those who study abroad can get more in touch with the foreign cultures and have a better surrounding to learn language well. In addition, they also consider that it is a better choice for those who depend on their parents too much to be independent.

On the contrary, other people stand on a different ground. They consider that it is harmful for the students who study abroad. They firmly point out that learning a foreign language and communicating smoothly with the local people is far from an easy thing at the outset for most students. What’s worse, it also takes time for students to adapt themselves to a new diet, custom, set of ideas and even the climate.

There are some truths in their arguments. As far as I am concerned, the advantages of studying abroad overweight the disadvantages, while it’s essential to take the condition of family as an important premise when deciding to go abroad to study.


I am always shy and afraid of standing in front of a lot of people, so I don't have many friends. In my heart, I desire to make a lot of friends and hang out with them. I know my problem. I am not confident and if I show my humor, surely other students will notice me. So I decide to join activities. I take part in a drama group. It can not only enhance my confidence, but also helps me to make friends. Soon I become confident and more students know me. What's more, many students ask me to join their group. I conquer my fear and grow up.





“机遇”总是悄悄地来,轻轻地走,很少给人考虑的机会,试问,有多少人能遇到像诸葛亮那样机遇三次敲他门,等着他来抓住机遇、去接受机遇的呢?在我们的生活中,机遇似乎总披着隐身外衣,怎么都寻找不到,所以机遇的难得出现,为何不去把握住呢? 而“诱惑”总是披着美丽的外衣,正大光明地出现,怎么都不愿意离开。直到你被骗,被侵入,知道把你掌握在手里,把你捧上云霄,然后再温柔地放开你,使你从云端落入谷底,让你身败名裂,身心受创......可又后悔莫及。一堆一堆的不如意砸向你,就因为当初自己没有抵制住诱惑。 (正反对比)


把握机遇,抵住诱惑,才是人生走向成功的关键。机遇的一次敲门,就立刻为他开门吧,而即使诱惑再怎么按着门铃不放,也不要为他开门,永远把他拒之门外吧! (总结全文,首尾照应)













































“机遇”总是悄悄地来,轻轻地走,很少给人考虑的机会,试问,有多少人能遇到像诸葛亮那样机遇三次敲他门,等着他来抓住机遇、去接受机遇的呢?在我们的生活中,机遇似乎总披着隐身外衣,怎么都寻找不到,所以机遇的难得出现,为何不去把握住呢? 而“诱惑”总是披着美丽的外衣,正大光明地出现,怎么都不愿意离开。直到你被骗,被侵入,知道把你掌握在手里,把你捧上云霄,然后再温柔地放开你,使你从云端落入谷底,让你身败名裂,身心受创......可又后悔莫及。一堆一堆的不如意砸向你,就因为当初自己没有抵制住诱惑。 (正反对比)
把握机遇,抵住诱惑,才是人生走向成功的关键。机遇的一次敲门,就立刻为他开门吧,而即使诱惑再怎么按着门铃不放,也不要为他开门,永远把他拒之门外吧! (总结全文,首尾照应)