2024-05-26 06:48:51



I have got two baby cats. they are very beautiful. One is yellow. the other is white.

They are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones.

But the white cat is very gentle. She likes to wash her face.

And she doesn′t like to play with people. She often jumps onto my knees. I like to give her a bath.

Oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness. We are very good friends. I love them.


My favorite animals are swans.they are white.they can swim very well.I think they look like a beautiful girl in a white dress.

They have a pair of wings and they can also fly well.I believe they are angles from the sky.

They bring us love and make us happy.they are always friendly to us.

We can't hurt them,because they are our friend.I love them!I like dogs,too.they are not beautiful,but they are the best friends.

They keep the thieves away.Dogs have the best listening and eyes.they can hear in the nosiy,see in the dark.

If we are in danger,they will help us at once.And they don't mind their lives.So,I love them.


Today was Sunday. My parents were free, too. I got up at 7'oclock, because my families planed to go to the zoo.

After the breakfast, I took the camera and went to the station together with my parents. It was already 9'oclock when we arrived at the zoo.

There were so many monkeys, tigers, lions, wolves and other animals in the zoo. We took many photos in the zoo with the animals.

I will show these photos in my class after they were printed. The time passed so fast, we left the zoo at 1'oclock PM. I was so happy today.

Now I feel very tired and I will go to bed early tonight.


Welcome to Beijing Zoo. Let me introduce myself. I'm Wang Ping. You can call me Xiao Wang. Today I'll show you around our zoo.

Our zoo is the biggest in China, and it has the largest number of animals.

Here is the plan for today. We'll go to the Panda House first. You can see the world famous animal.They look very lovely and honest.

Then we,Il watch the beautiful birds. The Monkey Hill is near to the Bird World. The clever monkeys will welcome you warmly.

Finally, we'll go to the Lion Park. Don't be close to such animal.

Please remember, don't feed the animals. OK! Have a good holiday! Thank you.


My favourate animal is tiger,because tiger is very strong and powerful,it is the king of the forest.

Tiger looks handsome as well, the skin has two corlors:yellow and black,and they are both my favourate colors.

I like tiger,and the year 2010 is just the Chinese tiger year.I hope all the people will keep healthy,just like tiger.


Since I go to school, the teachers always tell me that animals are our friends. If they disappear from the earth, then we won’t live for long. It is true that men and animals are important part of nature, so we need to live with each other friendly. The one who kills animals should be punished, and there needs more laws to punish these bad people.



Recently, three owls appeared suddenly on our campus. They made me think of my pet from childhood. When I was little, we had an owl at home. It was small, gray, and had two big eyes. We liked it very much. Every time I went home, it greeted me by making “goo-goo” sounds.

We always played with it and talked to it. It would blink its eyes just like it understood what we were saying. It was like my best friend. But when the weather became colder, we forgot to keep it warm, and it died. It made us sad for a long time, and it also taught me how important it is to take care of animals.


It's Sunday today. Tom, Susan and Lucy are supposed to be going to zoo. Tom wants to watch monkey3 for he thinks they are clever. However Susan likes to see elphants because he considers that elphants are nice. Pandas are Lucy's faviourt animals. But what a regret that Jane couldn't go along with them because her mother stays out and sha has to take care of her little brother.


Everyone knows animals are our friends.

So we should be friendly to them. But some people kill the rare animals, such as pandas, golden monkeys and so on in order to get money.

It will cause these animals to disappear soon. I think our government should punish those people severely who kill the rare animals. It is our duty to protect the endangered animals.


I have a dog.His name is Bob.He is two years old.He is yellow and very fat.He has two big eyes.And he wears a black coat.I always play with him. My mother and my sister look after him every day. When I come back ,he often walk around me.He is very cute and friendly.I love him very much. Do you like him?



On Saturday, I went to my grandparents' house to play, entered my grandpa said to me: "home to a puppy." I ran quickly excitedly to the kennel.

This little guy is sleeping, I to control his feeling excited, could not help but to touch it by hand, but who knows, the puppy vigilance is so high, my hands touched it hair, it is all of a sudden I woke up to now. It eyes, big carefully look at me, as if to say: "who are you? How do I haven't seen you?" I see, oh! Big round eyes, a small nose, cherry small mouth, not fat or thin face, and a pair of big ears and a air shook tail. In the summer it will lick up scattered cooling, is really a handsome boy!

After dinner, I also want to see this little one to eat, then took a piece of meat on the ground, I thought to myself, so delicious it must be very like it. But to his surprise, it's just to smell the smell, and go to the side. I think, if it is afraid of being seen just refused to eat. Then, I hid behind the door, secretly observe it. Sure enough, little guys walking slowly in the past, and look at the then eat it with relish. It ate a piece of meat, I then from behind the door to come out and play with it. I threw a ball out of the distance, said to it: "help me to pick up the ball back!" It seemed to understand my words, kicking ran in the past, with his mouth put the ball has been sent to my side, and in this way, we are happy to play up.

My dog is so cute!






Dogs belong to the canine.

When a dog follows its nose,it's actually being led by thee key senses.Sight:a glimpse of the enemy saves them barking up the wrong tree.Sound:a bark can be a fierce threat,but it's also how canines make their long distance calls.Smell:this tells a dog more than all the other senses put together.

Inside its nose are around two hundred million smell sensitive cells,forty times more than in humans.Through them the dog's brain can pick up signals from one molecule of scent in a million.It gives the dog:a completely different picture of the world,based on what it smells,rather than what it sees.

Flowers are irrelevant to a dog.So their scent is meaningless.But food is a serious matter.What to us is an empty plate,is covered with the smell of chicken to a hungry dog.






i have a parrot. it's my favorite animal. its name is gaga because it always makes sounds like that. we picked it up in the parking lot six years ago. we released a revelation but had no one to claim. it doesn't change a lot but its color becomes more and more beautiful. we say that it's a handsome boy. it can imitate some simple words and phrases, like hello or greet to my grandmother. my grandmother often talks to it or plays music for it. we think that it's some kind of clever, because it always makes sounds when it's boring or hungry. it adds a lot of fun to our lives.



My favourite animal is tortoise. Tortoise walk not fast. But I like the tortoise. Why? Because, tortoise is a cute animal. It have a short tail and a four short foot. It have a little head and a hard shell. They are forty-five little and cute tortoise in My home. They like to play in the water. When they afraid some thing. They wall run fast. They like to eat the fish. I often buy some small fish to them to eat. They can catch the fish fast. First, they fake sleep. When the fish swim near they mouth. They catch the fish fast and bit the fish head. So, the fish die. They can eat the fish. In winter. They like to sleep in the sand. When they sleep, they don’t eat any food.Because they wall hibernation. But, when they are thirsty. They come out of the sand. So, we must give water to them to drink.

I love the tortoise. I hate the eagle. Because, the eagle often eat the tortoise with it sharp mouth.My favourite animal is tortoise.


Ask me what is like small animals, that I will not hesitate to answer - my little black dog!

The little black dog temperament is very docile, very human nature.

I get along with it for a long time, in love, it seems very understand me. Whenever I am angry, it squatted beside me quietly motionless and seems to want to accompany me through the sad time. I am happy, it will run up to and around me, "an auf" cried, very agreeable.

The little black dog she is cute!

In black, shiny hairs, eyes with two white spots, like two white beads. On the head and on his thigh's hair is very long, like a horse head to the ground. Straight ear, as if time in listening to what passed around. Thick and long broom tail swing, from time to time as a cleaner for free! More funny is that it always speaks with a wet nose toward me, like a sick child, seems to be very poor, in fact, I know it really want to play with me. In the invitation to me!

The puppy experience dangerous also have several times.

Is the first time fell into the river, fortunately, was found to pull up, feed it to take medicine, good soon. And on several occasions by poison poison dog several times, but also by early treatment, will have to escape. From then on, it can sniff out those toxic food, what food non-toxic. Later, our dog never in poison. It very sharp!

The little black dog is my favorite animals, because it brings me a lot of laughter! Do you like my what?












Animals are friends of human beings. Most of them are lovely. I like giraffe the most. They are very tall and have many brown spots. They have very long necks, so that they can eat the leavesin high trees. Giraffes are gentle and lovely. They are friendly to people. When I go to the zoo, I always look at them. They move slowly. I can’t keep it as a pet, because it’s so huge. It’s abig pity.


I like dogs, because they are man’s good friends. They can do many helpful things to us, such as guarding our houses, greeting guests, helping the police, and so on. Some trained dogs caneven lead the blind people and save people’s lives. So they‘re treated as our family members. I hope someday dogs will be in great harmony with human-beings.



Do you know what kind of animal I like most? It’s monkey. Monkey is a kind of lovely animal. Many people like monkeys very much. Generally, monkey has small body covered with fur. Some kindsof monkeys have two big eyes and ears and a long tail. I can see them on TV or the zoo. Every time I go to the zoo, I will go to see them. Monkeys often stay in trees and jump between them.They are so lively and favorable. When they are happy, they will act for visitors. It’s very funny.




When I was picking up my stuff after school, I saw a dog staring at me at the school gate .I was kind of I thought the dog would bite me when I was going But it was The dog started to follow I was very I started to run away, but the dog did it, Suddenly, the dog ran pass away I realized the man in front of me was the owner of the I was

From then on, as long as a dog stares at me, I will look back to have a look whether there is another person near or




可爱的小猫 Lovely Cat

A week ago, my best friend gave me a lovely I love it very It is Its fur is black not So I call it little It has the same taste with We all like eating So, after it comes to my home, nearly every meal will appear I like playing with It always makes me Every morning, it will wake me It brings much happiness for



The animal is human friend, we should cherish it, let what they have a peace live environment. If the animal has a red-letter day, I am about to help them comb hair, let them eat on the most delicious dish, etc, perhaps be in before long in the future, small tiger is us to look after the house, lovely small sea lion accompanies us to swim, small monkey becomes a conduct a sightseeing tour, the place that takes us to see them live before - beautiful fruit hill. Let us riding a camel to worldly the biggest desert goes playing. The animal has a lot of red-letter days on section world, wait like division of the Children's Festival, mother's day, dragon boat festival, forest, why can you do not have animal section? Puppy people very lovely also! They and mankind are same, live on this earth jointly, bring how many joy to the mankind! You look, the doggie can help host look after the house, the kitten can eat off rascal mice completely, ox can farmland, the hen can lay etc, and some people contest is caught in our mankind kill those puppy, do the distress that is our mankind so? I want to appeal aloud here: The animal is human friend, we should cherish it, let what they have a peace live environment. If the animal has a red-letter day, I am about to help them comb hair, let them eat on the most delicious dish, etc, perhaps be in before long in the future, small tiger is us to look after the house, lovely small sea lion accompanies us to swim, small monkey becomes a conduct a sightseeing tour, the place that takes us to see them live before - beautiful fruit hill. Let us riding a camel to worldly the biggest desert goes playing. If arrived animal section, I should do an animal clique to be opposite, that day, animal people want to eat what to eat, let them eat fully full, call them to live of 5 stars class " animal guesthouse " . Anyhow, arrived animal section that day, everybody should take a kind of animal to come home, take them to ramble bazaar, buy a toy to wait. For the life better, everybody hastens the action rises, let an animal people spend a happy red-letter day at an early date!