2024-03-15 02:03:04


Time flies like an arrow, and the winter break is coming. Just came out of a busy final exam. The welcome is simple and free winter vacation.

Although the winter holiday is very short, but we can not because of the short, freewheeling play of the winter holiday, should work and combine in the play while not forgetting to learn.

Gorky used to say that "books are the ladder of human progress" because of the busy study and lack of time to read books. Now that winter vacation has come, we can use the time to read the books.

"There is a golden house in the book, and there is a lot of money in the book," so I decided to use the holiday to see the name of the ancient and modern times. Not only that, but I also need to consolidate the knowledge of this semester and prepare for the next semester. Expect further progress next term. Lay the foundation for your next semester.

In the spare time to complete the homework assigned by the teacher and parents, more to see the news concerned about the state affairs. During the Spring Festival, it is not only to watch the Spring Festival gala, but also to eat dinner and visit relatives and friends.

After the Spring Festival, you will have to put away your wandering heart and start to put your heart into study. You can't play anymore. Check to see if your teacher and school assignments have been completed. Prepare all the materials and exercises you need for the next semester.

This is my winter vacation, my winter vacation is my decision.


As soon as I hear the word "winter vacation", I am very excited, personality is the winter vacation after this semester, to understand, it is the first winter vacation of my high school days! From this moment on, I will plan carefully, to get enough rest, and use it to enrich myself.

First, I am going to sleep in the warm bed. As the saying goes, people do not sleep, they are tired. When I go to school, I wake up early every day and get up before dawn. I feel sleepy every day. I always dozed off in class, my teacher and my classmates said that I was almost sleepy. I can't wait to get through these days, and I'll sleep for three days and three nights without opening my eyes. After getting enough sleep, I started my second project: learning English.

Learn English, but my winter holiday "big play". The day before yesterday, I saw this news in the newspaper, said there was a 70 - year - old old man, after the victory in China's bid to host the Olympic Games, is always laboured at foreign language, has been able to speak fluent English now. I was so moved that I was ready to learn fluent English and strive to become a small "English general". Therefore, in the winter holiday, I should study grammar carefully, master more than 1000 words, and insist on reading simple English works. At the same time, we should listen to English tapes, practice everyday conversations, improve our oral expression potential, and lay the foundation for a volunteer tour guide for XX years.

In addition to studying English, I have to use my winter vacation to read some literary classics such as "Grimm's fairy tales" "childhood", "journey to the west", "harry potter" and so on. In this winter holiday, I also travel in the ocean of literature.

Of course, there is also the traditional festival of Chinese people in winter vacation - Spring Festival. This year's Spring Festival. I will go home with my parents to spend the Spring Festival with my grandparents. I will buy a bottle of good wine for my grandfather, buy a pair of warm cotton shoes for my grandma, and express my little filial piety to my grandma.

In this winter holiday, there are many many things I intend to do, and I shall make full use of it, and control it properly, so that my winter holiday will be enriched and beneficial.


Happy things are everywhere. A long winter vacation had passed before me. The winter holiday recorded a drop in my winter vacation. Let me give you a brief introduction about my winter vacation.

One day in winter vacation, I finished my homework and picked up a magazine and read it with relish. An article attracted me. It's about the artificial breeding of frogs in our country, and in order to make them grow up fast, they use the latest technology to cut the thin film of their limbs, so that the tadpoles can grow their limbs in half an hour. I thought: didn't I buy some tadpoles before? Wouldn't it be interesting to have two of them to operate on them and make them grow up faster? I'm determined to try this new technique.

I have prepared a shave for two pieces, and when the knife is used, use alcohol as a disinfectant, use a paper box for the operating table, and a small glass of water next to it.

The operation began, and I picked up a small tadpole and put it on the operating table. I was about to do it, but I felt a little nervous, for it was the first time I had made a knife to the living creature, and my hand trembled. But in order to confirm this experiment, I had to hold down the tadpole with my left hand and start the operation with my right hand. I used a scalpel to gently scrape the membrane off its forelimb, and the tadpole struggled with it, so I pressed it again, continued the knife, performed the operation on the forelimb, and began to operate on the hind limbs. After 10 minutes of surgery, my heart calmed down. Put the tadpoles in the water and sit on the sidelines. One minute, two minutes, three minutes, four minutes... Thirty minutes, half an hour. Ah! I saw it and saw the tadpoles' full length. Immediately, I was ecstatic.

A few days later, I had another successful operation before my classmates. From then on, I go to see them several times a day, one day, two days... Five days, I suddenly found that the first time to do the operation of the tadpole became a frog, the second time the frog died. I looked up the computer and said, "give me a little tadpole within ten days.


Winter vacation life is like a song, its beautiful music often let you aftertaste; The winter vacation life is like a poem, the information of the poem always makes you intoxicated; Winter vacation life is like a bunch of grapes, each fruit has different taste.

On the third day of the year, the lights were blazing and fireworks were set in the sky. Some are like shooting stars, some are like flowers, some are like an umbrella, and others are like twinkling stars. "Pitter-patrling", "crackling". "Whose firecracker is that so loud! "Of course it's my home! "I said triumphantly. After setting off the firecracker, we happily entered the house for the New Year's eve dinner.

A: wow! A dish of delicious, fragrant and delicious food on the table, I was dazzled and drooling. The pickled cabbage fish symbolizes more than one year. Dumplings are shaped like yuan bao and have dumplings for the Spring Festival. And steamed rice cake. It's a sign that income, position, or children are getting higher every year. There are also the big forefinger of the sichuan sausage and the delicious meat and so on. Our whole family was celebrating and saying good things to each other, and we were all eating in the sound of laughter.

Time passes by, and the Spring Festival gala is now broadcast. Our family sat on the sofa and watched the gala happily. The song of homesickness in the Spring Festival gala reminds me that some of them can't be reunited with their relatives during the festival. The little things in it both make us laugh and make us understand some truth. In this year's Spring Festival gala, xiangsheng has been innovative, and the personality is "it's not me," to say, "the elders understand and laugh at young people." The most notable is the sketch of CAI Ming and pan changjiang, which is a very funny show for the Spring Festival gala.

In this brief winter holiday, I can not only enjoy the happiness of the festive atmosphere, but also enjoy all kinds of delicious food


Unconsciously, the winter holiday has slipped away from me. To sum up this winter vacation, how to say? Very unhappy.

This winter holiday is not cold, it is a warm winter. The so-called winter vacation should be to give students a crazy chance to play, and the teachers don't think. So take for granted some extra homework, add up, get into a tower, and a few of your homework will not add up to ten small fingers.

Writing homework is really a headache. I don't say I am a good student because I am too lazy to do my homework. But there is no way, not to write how to do, after all always still have to hand in. It's usually a short time to get all the work done in a short time, but always just start the homework and don't know what to do. My comments to myself are: lack of perseverance, theorem, endurance... In the new term, you must apply the good learning methods to the real life, so you can't talk anymore!

During the holiday, I went out with my classmates many times, and I played a lot of information, such as skating, playing badminton, watching movies and so on... We also went to the park, because we had been on holiday for a long time, so there was no one, so we had a good time to play many popular facilities, and we played a lot of things that we had not dared to play before. It may be that you can't put up your face in front of your classmates, so you can't put up with the facilities, and you can't stand the words "I thought I was more excited, but I didn't... "

In life, after painstaking efforts, I finally overcame some disadvantages, for example, when having a meal to watch TV, play computer too long, don't like to play outside, don't do household chores, the habit of stay up late and get up late, and so on. These habits are not to be changed, but to be able to change everything. Sometimes I'll wipe the ground, though it's not voluntary; Sometimes fold the quilt, even though it is not as good as the military training; I'll give him some tea, though I know how much he won't drink... As adults often say to us: after a year of age, we should be more sensible than ever...

A winter break was almost over. The study plan was ordered, but the poor piece of paper was left on the table as if it had been abandoned, and my inertia was defeated again. The holidays that should be used well are lazy and wasteful. It is useless to blame yourself for this moment. The new semester to study well is serious, in the new semester I must overcome my laziness on study, I have a leap progress is, although these are unlikely to be achieved, but I want to talk about this as my efforts to target continuously to its development.

I am going to adjust the mindset of the good semester in the last few days. After all, the good start is half the success!

Do not understand how the classmate's winter vacation how sample, not also feel unhappy?


It feels so good to have a holiday. At 9 o 'clock in the morning, when the sun is on my hip, I just open my sleepy eyes. Don't worry about being late for school. Don't worry about time. Then savor the breakfast, which is a perfect treat.

With a spare book deliberately passed by their parents, they were smiling, and it seemed that the idleness of the books they had opposed was no longer idle. Sometimes ran to the balcony, the fresh air into the nose, can make people feel relaxed and happy, take a book, an MP3 player, enjoy reading, enjoy playing, ear not noisy noise, only slightly rolled in the ear gently pass, no one disturb, can't do anything without feel shu xin. Free and free, is it not the life you want every day?

Summer vacation contains infinite joy, but sometimes in happiness, sometimes, there is a little helplessness. Because in the final exam of last semester, my English, history all failed, and because of these two families, let me in the class, even in the class, the ranking is a lot. When my parents found out, I would recite the English and history of the lesson every day, and I was not allowed to go out to play when I was not finished. I'll have to listen to my parents. Do you remember