2024-05-28 05:16:08


Whenever I and other friends are full of tears, who comforts him, he cant stop crying. Every time I cry, I think: if there is a machine - Comfort robot to comfort us, we will laugh, that would be great! Now, let me introduce my "comfort robot" to you!

"Look, mom! Chen Yixins "comfort robot" has finally been invented My "comfort robot" is not an ordinary robot( As soon as I see the name, my "comfort robot" is 1.50 cm long and 80 cm wide. The whole body of the robot is almost made of metal. There are two long antennas on the head of the "comfort robot", which are his ears; There are two crystal clear under the ear, that is his glasses; Guess whats under your eyes? By the way, under the eyes is the nose. The nose of the robot is a circle, and his mouth is a small square. His stomach is soft and can lean on it; There are two thickened soft cushions under his feet, so that when he walks, he will not disturb others and make us fidgety.

Whenever I cry with others, he will comfort us; Whenever I did not do well in the exam, he would tell us jokes and make us laugh; Whenever I worry and ponder over a problem, he will give us some ideas

My "comfort robot" is made by me. It gives us infinite benefits. Im proud to make this machine!!!


Glass is what every family needs. However, there are many hidden dangers in todays glass, such as: it is thin and brittle, sometimes even the sound wave will break, after breaking, because it hurts people, the four seasons only have transparent color, too monotonous. Im going to invent a new type of glass to remove the hidden danger. I made a change on the window

The new glass I invented has microchips inside and many tiny air holes on the windows. I made it with CDM and young materials. How about that? Its special, isnt it? Now Id like to introduce the new glass I invented recently!

You will think, whats the use of chip? The purpose of installing the chip is to make the windows present different translucent and beautiful images throughout the year, which makes people feel comfortable and beneficial to body and mind: in spring, there will be a scene full of spring on the glass, willows sprout and grass turn green. In summer, a hot atmosphere appeared on the glass. The sun was about to have a high fever. A child was eating ice cream while walking on the street. In autumn, there will be a bumper harvest. The straw will turn yellow, the rice field will turn yellow, and the red persimmon will be very bright when it is hung on the tree. In winter, there will be a happy scene, a group of children make snowmen, a group of children have snowball fights. People will think that it costs too much electricity to be on all day. No, I installed miniature led on it, and installed solar panels and wind turbines on it, which can solve this problem.

As the name suggests, a vent is a small eye for ventilation. But the air holes on my new glass not only have the function of ventilation, but also have other functions, such as: cool air in summer, hot air in winter, plasma purification, oxygen generation and so on.

The materials are also different. I added CDM and young materials to them. The so-called CDM material is the chemical material I have recently developed, which makes the glass extremely hard; The so-called young material is super softener. Together, the two materials are bulletproof, unbreakable and extremely hard. Even if broken, young will soften the glass, so you wont scratch your hand!

This is my new glass. What about?


I have an invention.It is a robot that can help take care of sick children.

It has a computer program which tells it what to do.

At the right times,the robot takes the medicine to the sick kids.

The robot also has a cooker built into it,so it can cook meals for the children.

Finally,it can also play music to cheer the children up.

This is my invention,a high technology robot for hospitals.


My little invention is a high efficient vacuum flask, my little invention composition. It and really almost the same as vacuum flask, it is a "twin brother", the only difference is: my thermos bottle between shell and the inside is filled with foam, use of foam insulation function, can extend the holding time.

The origin of the vacuum flask and a story!

One winter, the weather special cold. The body has been bad mother from time to time to drink boiled water. But a cup of water to put cold, cannot drink soon, and it's waste dump, barely drink, mom's stomach is uncomfortable, how to do? I want to want to go, finally came up with a good idea, do a "efficient" vacuum flask, neither boil water waste electricity, mom can always drink hot water again, the material production is simple, a thermos, a bubble gun and some bubble. First of all, with burn soluble bubble, bubble gun between the squeeze bottle into his shell and inside, stay on the foam dry and sealed, and you get a "efficient" vacuum flask.

With the "efficient" vacuum flask, mother will be very happy.


I want to invent junk robots

I want to invention of spam robots, robot is not really a garbage, the garbage is garbage! Because it is junk, eat the belly is full of junk. However, its excretion may not be all that is rubbish, I will tell you about.

This garbage robot, has a big mouth, the body is made of copper, head antenna, can let a person with a remote control. Its neck can rotate 360 degrees, the body is some cratering. Because, every hole out of a sweep garbage ground tool. Its feet can be changed, become a pulley, into a stent. This is the future of green robot.

Normally, it will roll the pulley, patrol in the city, the head of the antenna, can be induced to where there is garbage, robot to immediately. With a broom, or stretch out hand picked up the machine. If there are swept out and stick on the ground, it will be washed with water, then use sand paper to shave off..

Especially the dirty lake area is large, he would like a fishing net to garbage fished. Of course, it also becomes a bracket, the feet into the water to check it again. If the water is muddy, it open mouth, push a suck, were sucked into the lake, the row is full of clear water. Finally, put a fart, ha ha, still pretty sweet!

I invented robots do you think? You don't love clean, buy back when a nanny!


The abacus was invented in the sixth century by Chinese people.

The umbrella was invented about 4000 years ago in Assyria,China and Egypt.

The binoculars was invented in 1854 by Ignatio Porro in Italy.

The camera was invented in 1827 by Joseph Nicephore Niepce who took the first picture.

The bicycle was invented in 1880s in England.


Hello, everyone! My name is “eye pen”. I am not a common pen. I am the protector of students’ eyes. It is said that nowadays many, many children are wearing glasses. So I have been invented. I belong to Nancy. She is very anxious because most of her friends become shortsighted. Ha ha! Then one day she had a good idea. She invented me. I don’t want to make her disappointed. I need to be responsible to all the children.

You see, my body will turn red when you use me for over 30 minutes. It is a warning. And you should have a rest. In my head, there is a thermostat. When students use me to write, I’ll turn yellow when their heads are too close to the desk. It is also a warning. Then the students should raise their heads.

I am so happy that students take me to school every day. I will be a good eye protector and make students all have a good writing habit so that the number of shortsighted students will be reduced.


There are many outstanding scientists in the world, they have a lot of inventions.

For example, bell invented the telephone in 1876 and 1876, the United States perkins invented refrigerators, the United States in 1879 Edison invented the earliest incandescent lamp and movies.

I've always wanted to invent a bag, I'll give it a name called "hot wheels bag".

Heavy bag is pressure upon our pupils the burden for many years, many children saw the heavy bag, will wrinkle up eyebrows, it squarely on our shoulders let us very suffered, affect our physical development. So I think to have invented this is called "hot wheels bag". There are four big functions, this bag is a burglar. It can automatically identify the host, not the smell of the master bag permanent can't open; Second, the automatic sorting. Can let children learn every day for automatic classification, and the content of the course for children to find books and the teacher leave homework; Three is on-call. This bag has acoustic equipment. As long as the children shout out bag password, it will find himself a master; Fourth, the jet device. Equipped with jet equipment at the bottom of the bag, the use of solar powered suction plate, can move together with the children, do not need to his own carrying a heavy bag, if you don't want to let it fly in the sky, you can use the hands of the remote control, let it like a car running behind you.

To the ideal I'll unremitting efforts, study hard study science and technology, let my dream become a reality invention, let the children to share with me.


When I grow up, I want to be a scientist, to find out the earth, what is the cause of the earthquake, I want to invent a super strong seismic tester, which will automatically alarm in advance when there is an earthquake, and never let disaster happen again! Let the earth full of vitality, so that tens of thousands of children can grow up happily!

As long as I study hard on the ground, I think I will reach my ideal when I grow up!


If I could invent something new, Id invent a device or pill that could put people to sleep immediately and would have no side effects. The proper amount of sleep is important for our concentration, mental health, and physical health.

Getting enough sleep is a vital human need. For one thing, without sleep our concentration is strongly affected. Were easily distracted, we cant remember things, and we dont notice whats happening around us. For example, a lot of car accidents are caused by tired drivers. When we get enough sleep, our powers of concentration are sharper. Were more focused on what were doing. We perform better.

Mental health is also affected by lack of sleep. Its easy to tell if people dont get enough sleep. Theyre on edge, cranky, and out of sorts. They lose their tempers easily and over-react to situations. In fact, experiments have shown that lack of sleep over a long period of time can cause a complete mental breakdown. When we get our proper rest, were more alert and responsive. Our outlook is positive, and were much easier to get along with.

Our physical health shows the strain of sleeplessness, too. We have less energy, and everything seems like a major effort. Over a long period of time, we become slow and unresponsive. The wear and tear on the body from lack of sleep can be a very serious health problem. Every doctor will tell you that getting enough sleep is a basic factor in maintaining good health.

Wouldnt it be great to go to bed every night knowing youd have no problem getting to sleep, no matter whats going on in your life? Getting enough sleep is always going to be an important part of how you respond to your situation. I think this device would be very helpful to all of us.


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Last night in my room, busy preparing for my speech today, I was puzzled at the opinions of greatest inventions of different persons. I read many books. Some articles hold the opinions that the greatest invention in the world is electricity, while the others believe computers cannot be replaced in the modern society. I read and read, suddenly an idea struck me: The greatest invention are just books. A famous person has ever said: "Books are the best teachers." Exactly! That's what I would like to say firstly. In the long history of human being, books have played an important part in communicating knowledge. And even today, the situation is still so.

Each year, millions of books are published in the world. Knowledge changes our lives. If a learned person wants to express some new idea, probably he will choose to write a book. On the other hand, the best way to broaden our horizons is reading books.Secondly, as I have been puzzled, books provide you with different ideas. And you make your decision to choose anyone that fit you. Or otherwise, you may choose none of them, just like I, instead of obeying books' advise. I choose "books" as the greatest invention in my eyes. So, don't you think it's a little interesting? Books are honored as teachers without sound. But how are books different from our real teachers? I think the fact is that if a real teacher advices me to choose electricity or computer as my topic today, and every one you can imagine, how much brave I will prepare to refuse. So don't you think books are better tempered and better get along with than our real teachers? That's all, thank you.


The umbrella is invented in China.

Allegedly, early in the spring and autumn carrying in ancient China famous craftsman lu, often in fieldwork, often be rain drenched. Lu wife cloud, seeing her husband's so hard, he want to do a can block rain things. She put the bamboo chopped into researchers, the researchers on the covered skins, looking like "pavilion", and receive zhang freely, is really "furl such as bars, open as cover". This creates a later umbrella. Ancient umbrella also San San namely, writing umbrella also.


The Most Helpful Invention

There are a lot of inventions in the history. Some of them play an important role in people’s life and some have greatly changed the world.

In my opinion, I think the most important invention is the car. First, people used to travel by train or by plane. But now, they can go any place by the car. Second, when holiday comes, they can visit their family and friends by the car. Third, they can also go to many places of interest to enjoy themselves.

In a word, I do agree that cars are the most important invention.
















First built in 20XX, the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway went into operation on December,26th, Overall length of its main line is 1068 kilometers, and it goes through the following three provinces: Hubei, Hunan and

The speed of the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway is 350km/h,the fastest speed in the world now, which makes it only three hours needed from Wuhan to Guangzhou, seven hours less than Besides, there are all kinds of facilities in the train, which make your trip safe and comfortable, so it is more

However, the only fly in the ointment is that the train fare is too high and the station is quite far away from the downtown









As we all know , the time of 5G technology is coming , it is called the fourth industrial revolution , future of computer science lies in the artificial intelligence,it is the research and artificial simulation of human thought and eventually be able to make a human like to think the same machine , for human services and to help people solve

After all, people thought it was unique, there are feelings, there are a variety of character, this will be very difficult to achieve in the fact, to do the same as the human thinking machine, the only one of the artificial intelligence, is by no means Through the study of artificial intelligence, it can resolve all kinds of scientific problems, promote the development of other science will have a great impact on all people's lives .

I believe that the science of artificial intelligence is waiting for humanity to explore it step by step .