2024-05-21 02:51:02



My mother is an ordinary teacher. She always puts her students beforeeverything. She is nothing different from other people at the first sight. Butlater you will find that she is so responsible. In my mind, she is very great.On weekends, she always prepare the class at home. Sometimes she even ask thestudents to come to our house for remediation for free. All her students likeher. Sometimes I almost envy her students. Luckily, my mother also very careabout me. she puts all her time on our family and her students, leaving nothingfor herself. She is so great, and I proud of her; and I love her.

My mother is sixty-three years old, and for the last forty year she hasbeen the village doctor. She has a small clinic that she prepares medicine andtreats small injuries, and also sells canned powder milk. Our house has peoplein and out at all hours of the day and night. The villagers always like to cometo her clinic to see the doctor and to meet their neighbors, too. Almost all thevillagers come to my mother when their baby is due. My mother is very good atpredicting the day the baby will come. Sometimes my mother will not get enoughsleep if the babies come late at night or early in the morning. There arespecial rooms for the mother and baby, and usually they stay at the doctor'shouse about twenty-four hours. We always like to see the new babies get theirfirst bath because they look so red and small. All the village people know andtrust my mother because she is such a quiet, kind, and experienced.

My mother is an English teacher and she likes listening to English radioand reading English newspaper. She always gets up early in the morning. Shewashes her face and has breakfast, then she hurriedly goes to school. She doesmorning exercises with her students. Next, she has one or two English lessons.In the afternoon, she helps some students with their English. Finally, she goeshome at five o’clock. She marks the student’s homework at home and she always.tired everyday. I love my mother and I hope she can just relax at theweekend.

My mom is about 45 years old.She has long hair and very big eyes. She is ahousewife. She always helps me with my homework before she cleans the house andprepares dinner for my whole family. She is really a nice and kind mother.

My mom is always very reasonable. All she asks for is for me to complete myschoolwork. If I get a good mark on my test,she will be very happy. If I don'tdo well,she won't get angry. She will encourage me to do better next time.

I love my mom,so I give her a hug when I get home,and tell her she is thebest mom in the world.

My mother is sixty-three years old, and for the last forty year she hasbeen the village doctor. She has a small clinic that she prepares medicine andtreats small injuries, and also sells canned powder milk. Our house has peoplein and out at all hours of the day and night. The villagers always like to cometo her clinic to see the doctor and to meet their neighbors, too. Almost all thevillagers come to my mother when their baby is due. My mother is very good atpredicting the day the baby will come. Sometimes my mother will not get enoughsleep if the babies come late at night or early in the morning. There arespecial rooms for the mother and baby, and usually they stay at the doctor'shouse about twenty-four hours. We always like to see the new babies get theirfirst bath because they look so red and small. All the village people know andtrust my mother because she is such a quiet, kind, and experienced friend oftheirs.


A dream is to a man what wings are to a bird. With a dream in the deep hearts core, a man is spontaneously driven to hitch his wagon to a star. A dream is an inexhaustible source of energy that keeps our enthusiasm burning, and kindles our desire to enhance our spiritual cultivation, refine our character, and upgrade our quality of life. A life without a dream is like a bird with broken wings, confined to a cage and oblivious of what lies beyond the range of its vision. On the contrary, a man with a dream is like a warrior armed with ambition, foresight and gallantry, daring to step into an unknown domain to make a journey of adventure. It is dream that adds fullness, variety, and spice to our life and makes it worth living.

I have a dream. It is a dream that is deeply rooted in human nature. I dream that one day people of all origins can live in harmony and peace without being discriminated against or persecuted. The bounty of the earth can be shared by every single human being. Mutual respect will guarantee the existence and continuation of the diversity of customs and cultures. Love, sympathy, and cooperation will alleviate the sufferings and disasters inflicted upon our fellow men. Respect for basic human rights will put an end to social injustices and evils.


I ’m ZhaoLing. I have a good friend. Her name ’s Gina. She has good eating habits. She eats healthy food every day. What does she like every day? For breakfast, she likes milk and eggs. She likes chicken, rice, vegetables and salad for lunch. For dinner, she likes bananas and apples. She likes fruit and vegetables. She doesn ’t want to be fat. How about you? Do yu like fruit and vegetables?









Winter has been going on for a whole week, this week off is all very nice. Whenever he woke up every day, do something which they want to do, take a look at books, watch TV, look at their own cross-stitch embroidery. In general it is quite substantial. And there are many activities.

According to the last Monday finally went to the wedding, though not very satisfied, but the process is very happy. Boyfriend seemed keen on this than I would also like photography, Tiao Yifu, makeup, and so the process, I finally had a feeling going to be married, although only slight, but still very happy. Both were enjoying the process, the result is not very important for us, but also had some experience. Pleased me the most is the photo process, he told me to take care of, so I really think that is a very happy

There are two important gathering of students, one junior high school graduates to meet again ten years. This gathering the greatest reward that I learned to ski, Burongyia, sense of balance so bad finally learned, of course, also paid a price for two days could not lift up his arms during these gatherings, I found that I was into the is not into this group, probably in the school have this feeling that I was not very good results, but also the time of my junior high school when the ugliest. And everyone exchanges is also relatively small, although he now has a teacher, but to see the original a little stammer when they talk to the teacher during these gatherings, girls in class I was the only one who never went to high school, they still kind of feeling, full of sense of superiority, but I do not think they are much stronger than I am, on the contrary feel a bit silly. together went out to play is not very fortable, there are several wheat Pa has been singing, other people had their heads bowed energetically Eat eat, really bored ~ ~

On another occasion, the students gathering is undergraduate student classes, it is a gathering of happy, because we finally passed the exam to get a graduation certificate, is excited to celebrate class boys drank down several, the process is very happy, we said, joking笑. 1:00 do not think time off is very slow. Only now that worries me the most is my work, there is no point Otonobu really anxious people. And I is a relatively heavy person's mind, a day passes without regularization Unable to e on the day. Her boyfriend said that I want to live like you do, there really is worn out, I also feel very tired, just do not know how to adjust a little memory to work, at least a very busy day, there is no time for cranky.

Oh, really a little know how fortunate who are in it.


Today is the first day of the New Year, the morning of fresh air and sunshine, mother took me to feel the New Year's day outside the

Street vehicle comings and goings, flowing very lively, mother took me to the supermarket to buy things, supermarket bustling, originally people rush to buy New Year gift! My mother said he wanted to buy a toy, I say: "I is the big kid don't car these toys, it would save some money to buy school things," then I will take some learning supplies and a cake billet to do our own cake to celebrate New Year's On the way back to my grandma's I saw many shops, supermarkets in glass written on New Year's day wishes everybody happy, return to my grandma's I took the cake billet and brother in above the text is

Less than half an hour a nifty bright homemade cake will appear in the present, this is really a happy New Year!


As is known to us all, the most precious thing in the world is nothing but “today”. Therefore, it is necessary and significant for us to manage our time There are some suggestions and methods to manage our


First, the most important thing is to know and understand how we have spent and managed our time Only in this way can we know in which we have wasted our We can do this by sorting out all things we do every day and then select the necessary thing and the wasted


Second, after the first step, what we should do is choosing the correct As the saying goes, “to choose time is to save time”. For one thing, we have to know and understand that which period we have more efficiency and have better quality in work or study so that we know how to make our For another, it is better to do the most important and urgent thing first in that we

barely have enough time to finish all task within a


Last but not the least, it is valuable to take full advantage of our leisure time tiny pieces of For example, we can do some reading when we are waiting for a bus, or we can practice our listening on our way to



To sum up, time, like water in sponge, can be squeezed out if we Therefore, take full use of our time in that it is essential to lead a full and happy



Time is money,which means time is limited and everyone should save to make full use of time:

Firstly,you should make a good maybe have many things to do in a is necessary to make a plan,which help you what time you will do something,which make you do everything in a good

Secondly,do what you have made the is very important to do everything according to your you don't do so,everything that you have planned won't be finished,and you'll put off everything that you'll do

Thirdly,giving up something that you can't do even if you have made every effort,which doesn't mean your failure,because,sometimes,giving up something will make you get more

Fourthly,it is necessary for you to make a scientific time should know you well so that you can arrange time the place you study is noisy,you can make notes and go over what you have the place you study is very peaceful,you can do the most important things,for example,do mathmatics and so

In a word,you will make great progress if you make use of your time


My father is a great He is a hero in my He is tall but not He is a He often talks a litte and seems that he is Actually, sometimes he is real In my memory, he never hits me except

It is because I ignored their forbidding to go swimming in the river I was so sad as my father hit But now I understand that it is because he worry about Moreover, although our family is not weathy, he will give all the things that I want to And he works hard to support our I know that he loves us and we also love


Today, with the development of economy, more and more children receive high The government has put forward the policy to let children get free education until they go to It is a good trend that more kids have the chance to improve themselves, because education decides a person's personality and future In the future, the school will pay more attention to the students' ability and their talents, so more class will be opened to They can choose the class that they are interested This will happen since middle school, and students learn knowledge with less They can enjoy the


There are many funny places in our For example, the football playground, the classroom, the experiment But my favorite place is school’s Our school’s reading-room is very big and After class, you can go inside and pick out one of your favorite book to There are so many books that you don’t know which one you should read

I love And Rowling is my favorite I have read the Harry Potter series so many times but I never get In my opinion, reading books not only broaden my horizon, but also help me to be a better I can learn different things from these When I feel blue, I will go to the school’s In that place, I can forget my trouble when I read my favorite


I like sports, because doing sports is really a good Firstly, it helps me keep Exercise is one of the most active and effective means to enhance the physical Secondly, doing sports is a good way to When you are upset, sport may pull you out from Finally, it’s easier to make friends while take part in sport activities, because you have the same It’s important for making All in all, I get a lot from


Everyone have their own favorite Someone loves the spring the most, while other one loves one who like summer might for its hot weather and they can enjoy the ice-cream, while the autumn fans might love the sky floating me, I love the four seasons equally, I cannot tell which one i love the most, because all of them have the special reason that makes me adored

Spring is a wonderful season to celebrate rebirth and new When it comes to spring, everything looks so full of The grass out from the land, the branches grow new leaves, and the colorful flowers show up everywhere, all of this beautiful scenery makes people feel encouraged and

Summer is a magnificent season, which bring warm to us, letting us wave for it and releasing the Summer is an exuberant season that always makes people have stirrings to do Also, thinks to summer that makes swimming and surfing much funnier and the ice-cream taste more

Autumn, fruit is fragrance and Autumn is the season of harvest, fall chrysanthemums spit release each other, and a thriving Autumn is the only season that we could see the leaves flying in the And it is especially important for Chinese; one of a day of autumn which called mid-autumn festival brings family together and enjoys happy family

Winter is a season makes people feel sad and cold, but a warm, toasty house may feel great in the winter, that is the only charm that other season doesn't Nothing is greater on a cold day than a hearty hot bowl of Moreover, we can make a snowman and have snow high in

Every season has its own lovely charm, I love them


When we are children, there are lots of people ask about our dreams, and our answers most are doctors, policemen, teachers But when we grow up, we have to face the reality, not everyone would realize childhood dreams, and some of these dreams even are unrealistic which will never be able to Therefore, we need correctly treat the relationship between dream and

First of all, dream is the spiritual power to encourage people Napoleon once said: “He is a bad soldier who doesn't dream of becoming a general”. In the process of growing up, we must want to give up our purpose when encounter difficulties, and at the moment, dreams would be the power for us to insist

Second, reality is a reflection of the real Many people think dream is heaven, and reality is hell, but in my opinion, reality is a double-edged sword which makes us keep a sense of When young people addicted to the unpractical dreams, reality would awaken them which would avoid them make wrong

In my opinion, both dream and reality are important, young people can't ignore one of The most critical thing in life is using positive attitude to face the constantly changing society, and strive to cultivate interests, which will be easier to



My travel plans are many, I tell you my favorite travel plan, is go to huang shan to play. First I by cable car to light top, on their way to see the beautiful scenery.

When I top down from the light is not choose by cable car, but choose to walk down the mountain. Because in the way I can enjoy the beautiful scenery, and streams than who run fast. Though very tired, but I can enjoy the beautiful scenery.


Summer holidday is coming.I have a good plan for it.My best friend Tony who is from Britain will spend the holiday with mw.Tom is 17 years old ,he like China very much.One week ago,I wrote him a letter,inviting him to come to Dalian for the holidays.Tony has accepted my invitation and will fly to Dalian next week.I will go to the airport to pick him up.Then we'll show him around the city.We'll go to the beach to watch the sea first.Then we'll visit some insteresing places.Tony will live in my house during the holiday.I hope we'll have a good time.


I hope to go on a trip to Beijing,but my mother always tells me "you can't".She thinks I am too young to go to Beijing,and I am too busy at school.This term is over,To my surprise,my mother will take me to Beijing.I am very excited!Then I have a traveing plan for this trip:firstly I will go to the tian'anmen square,I will take many pictures,then I am going to the palace museum,I can see many old builds there.secondly,I am goingto the wangfujing street,we will buy many things,for example,foods,clothes and some books.then I will go home. I think I will have a great trip to Beijing.



Zhou Enlai was born in Huai'an,Jiangsu,on March 5,1898.In 1917,he finished school in Nankai Middle School,and then went to France to learn Marxist theory.In 1922,he joined the Chinese Communist Party.After that,he was active in his work and directed the Party work in Shanghai.

He led the famous uprising①----Nanchang Uprising on August 1st,1927.Then he took part in the Long March.From 1937 to 1945,he worked in South China.

After the People's Republic of China was founded,he was elected Premier②of China.He put all his heart into the work and always worked until midnight.He had no time to think about himself,but only the Chinese people.

Premier Zhou died on January 8th,1976.The whole nation was in deep sorrow at his death for he was loved by all the people.Our beloved Premier Zhou will always be alive in our Chinese people's hearts.He was a great Marxist and communist.


Lei Feng was a model soldier, On December 1 8,1940, he was born in a poor peasant family in a little mountain village of Hunan Province. He didn't go to school till 1950. At the age of 18, he worked as a steel worker. He was often praised for his good job. On January 8, 1960, he joined the army.

In the same year, he joined the Communist Party. He loved the Party and the people, and constantly did good for others. As a result, he became a model soldier. After his death, Chairman Mao called on the people to "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng". The whole nation were moved by his deeds. Lei Feng's spirit will live in our hearts forever.


"Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration."

Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931) was an American inventor, scientist and businessman who developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and a long-lasting, practical electric light bulb. Dubbed "The Wizard of Menlo Park" by a newspaper reporter, he was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production and large teamwork to the process of invention, and therefore is often credited with the creation of the first industrial research laboratory.

Edison is considered one of the most prolific inventors in history, holding 1,093 U.S. patents in his name, as well as many patents in the United Kingdom, France and Germany. He is credited with numerous inventions that contributed to mass communication and, in particular, telecommunications. His advanced work in these fields was an outgrowth of his early career as a telegraph operator. Edison originated the concept and implementation of electric-power generation and distribution to homes, businesses, and factories - a crucial development in the modern industrialized world. His first power plant was on Manhattan Island, New York.


May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor’s Day. My mother said to me :“Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let’s go to park,” So my mother, my classmate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers. It’s colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful.

In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on.

May Day is my favorite day!





i spent this holiday very quick, on the 1st may, we went to the zoo, there were crowded there, so many travelers coming from all over the country to have some fun during the holidays.on 2nd may, i visited my relatives with my parents, we had a great lunch together, the resturant were crowded as well.on 3rd may, we went to shopping in the mall, after the shopping we went to watch a new movie. all the other days lefti didn’t go anywhere, no only becasue i still have some homework,but also there were almost all crowded in everywhere!






I have a good friend.She is a pretty girl. She lives in Jiujiang. She is a middle school student. She has big eyes, a small mouth, a small nose and a round face. She is tall and thin. She likes watching TV and playing the basketball. On the weekend, she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening.

She is a good student. She is good at English. She likes speaking in English. She always reports news in English in her school.

She says we are good friends. We send e-mails to each other everyday. I like her very much.


Li Yan,my best friend,is my classmate. She has big eyes. Her long hair is often plained.Sweet smile is often on her face,which makes her more lively.

LiNan is very clever.She is good at her school subjects. She has won the school scholarship twice,I always take her as my model in study. She tells me that we should make good use of time.

Li Yan is kind-hearted and is always ready to help others,Any student in my class who has trouble in study likes asking her for help. But she doesn’t like others to praise her, because she thinks what she did is ordinary.

I feel proud to have such a friend.


I have a good friend whoes English name is lisa.She is twelve years old and she is a very pretty girl.Everyone in our class including teachers like her,but I am her only best friend.We share everything we have and we nearly talk everything with each other.We both learn well,and we always learn together and help each other.She was very out-going and cute.She likes tell jokes and funny things.She likes smiling,you could always find simil blooming in her face.I like her not only because shind inside.Well that is my best friend.


My school is at Haimen Town. It is very big and beautiful. There are forty-three classes in it. When you come to our school, you can see the modern teaching building. Our teachers work and do practice in it. Behind the building, there are two classroom buildings and a school library. In the library there are thousands and thousands of books. After class you can borrow the books you want and also you can read them in the reading room at any time. Beside our classroom, there is a big playground. At about 4:30 p.m. every day, many students play football, basketball and some of them play tennis. All the playground is alive.

Our school is a model school in Jiangsu. I like my school very much.


