2022-11-01 02:39:50


China novel coronavirus is coming to the end of 20XX when the 20XX This is the second problem we face after 20XX However, before the major difficulties, everyone is actively contributing their strength to


Novel coronavirus has just appeared, China's relevant personnel quickly made countermeasures to convene the major scientific research Novel coronavirus infection was identified as a source of pneumonia in Wuhan, In 22 days, the virus was identified as a wild animal sold in the seafood As far as the current epidemiological cognition is concerned, children and young people are not


The novel coronavirus transmission is very It can spread through oral liquid, droplet and There is a phenomenon of human being This epidemic has caused many people's worries and The epidemic basically occurs in all parts of In order to reduce the spread of the epidemic, China has implemented the policy of "sealing the village" in various parts of the city of Policy, the people who came back from Wuhan were isolated to observe in a certain period of Prevent transmission to


After the outbreak, many medical staff went to They left their homes for In the report, an infected medical staff said, "when I leave the isolation period, I will return to the battlefield and fight with my comrades in arms to fight against the virus!" this is Liu Lin's new year's wish, which is not only for their help, but also for many caring people in China Shi, let's go through this difficulty


Let's cheer for Wuhan! Win this epidemic prevention war together! Prevention and control of the epidemic, starting from you and me! May everyone be healthy and safe! Pay homage to the medical staff on the front line of the epidemic, it's hard!


Come on, Wuhan! At this moment, the heart of Wuhan, the outbreak of the war, all one mind!